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Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Vampire Drinking Your Blood Post

Post #2: The Vampire Drinking Your Blood Post
After looking this up for half the night one night, I've discovered something important about the whole: total consumption, death by vampire aspect: It isn't possible!
"What?!" You say, shocked, but it's true! It isn't scientifically possible for a vampire to drink all your blood!
I bet you still don't believe me, what with all this vampire junk circulating right now, so let me shine a light (haha, 'cause vampires can't be in light) on my observation:
The average human adult body has 5 liters of blood.
you say: "okay..." very uncaring.
The average stomach can barely hold up to 4 liters* of... stuff
So there, using that information, you see that a vampire can't drink all your blood to kill you, buuuuuut...
Let's look at the science, you know, the vampire science
Do you really think a vampire would be neat enough to drink all your blood? I bet half of you is gonna end up on the sidewalk Or maybe they'll get full and leave you to die, but i bet your jugular is still pretty beat up, so you're going to bleed out the last liter.
gruesome? Well, yeah, we're talking about vampires here!
But it's okay, because after losing a little over a pint** you're gonna pass out.
After losing 4 pints, your gonna die, so that bleeding and dying part of this party... well you're already gonna be dead.
Wait! i found a hole in this story! So a vampire can drink your blood to kill you. (i didn't realize this until I put my findings down in words.) But then again, what i started this with is that a vampire can't drink all your blood and kill you. It's not like he or she will drink you till you're dry, just until you die. (look at me, rhyming)
Hmm, well that's everything this vampire post is going to consist of, i think. That's all i really found and wanted to say.
Mark my words, though, i doubt that this will be my last vampire post, there is just so much to talk about with them.
So, this is Unicorn Slayer, signing off with my second post. I hope you enjoyed learning this random tidbit.

*4 liters= 1 gallon
**1 pint= .4731... Liters
(it takes 2 days for a pint to come back, 8 days for 4 pints to come back.)

          Unicorn Slayer

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