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Friday, January 13, 2012

Missed A Post, But I Had Your Ideals In Mind. Oh Yeah, And The School Dance Stuff.

Post #7:
Well, if you pay attention to both the blog post dates and the totally obvious title then you know i skipped posting yesterday. It was nothing personal, i was actually wondering all night about posting,but then, because as i said before, i'm lazy procrastinator, i decided to not post. Now i suppose it was a good idea to because it wouldn't have been a boring snooze fest.
So, in the end, i guess my laziness was, and probably will continue to be, an asset to my blogging. You know, 'cause what's the point of posting something if i really don't have anything to say; save for my last post of course, i just really wanted to use that picture.
Plus, my severe case of weekend-itis yesterday probably attributed to my laziness. Last week we had Monday off for Christmas break and then on Tuesday we had a snow day. So the three day week yester-week really made this week feel like a month.
(Did you understand that?)
Also, the school was a-buzz with the mention of the Snow Ball dance. (ugg)
I went to, like, two dances, maybe three ever since coming to the high school (our high school experience starts at 7th grade)
Ever since... the end of last week and most definitely the start of this glorious week everyone was all like: 'Yeah i'm going to the dance!' 'I can't wait for the dance!' 'My dress was a bajillion bucks!' 'Mine's not even found online, because it's just that unique and amazing!' 'Who are you going with?'   that one usually follows with a: 'Why are you going with him?!'  or the ever so popular   'I'm going to ask *insert name of creepy boy here* for you!'  and then they would run off to ask them. Then let's not forget the first and most excruciating:  'Are you going?'
I was asked by... three people maybe, if i was going. (one was in front of my friends at lunch so thankfully i got to tell them all at once) I was even asked by my geometry teacher. (everyone came in a-buzz with dance stuff, so she went around the room and asked everyone if they were going, and if so, with who)
God, i hate the dance. i realize that it's insulting to use his name like that and all, but o God, i do.
All our dances are made up of is a bunch of people that you hate enough during the course of the day, which include: 7th and 8th graders with their own little mini cliques who cheer-lead and wear a lot make-up and talk about texting, and maybe use text talk in their everyday language, umm... your enemies, of course, those you avoid making eye contact with because you know that you'll start screaming at each other if you do, hmm... oh and let's not forget those girls who wear their foundation so dark that they have a chinstrap, and have different color hair everyday. (and a lot of the time, those colors aren't flattering.) Then when they get to the dance, they start grinding up against all the guys and you're stuck standing beside them and then you're being bumped around by the grinding couple behind you and you just feel plain uncomfortable.
Then all the girls start taking their shoes off and they walk around barefoot on the disgusting cafeteria floor. Last year someone spill some punch on the floor which dried into a sticky puddle later on, and the girls would scream this slutty high-pitched scream and be all like: "Oh my God! Why are my feet all sticky!"
Uuhhh, maybe because you walked barefoot through a dry puddle of punch, you idiot.
Then they would cling onto their "date" (I have the "'s because no one in my grade or lower is mature enough to actually have a relationship) and they would be checking their feet and then they would get over it because  they would go back to grinding.
Then some other girl with a box of condoms where her brain should be would walk through it and scream, and so on. It's like, wow, didn't you just see the girl beside you walk through that. Then a slow wave would spread and everyone would be stepping in it because they're too busy dirty dancing to Nikki Minaj.
Just thinking about this now has my blood boiling.

But alas, i could never explain this all to my friends at lunch. I can barely get in a word without one of my *'friends-by-force'* butting in to say something that's usually... unsavory or just plain stupid.
I've actually developed this habit of talking really really fast just so i can get my word in.
Ask anyone i talk to on a regular basis, whenever i have something important or funny to say, i'll say it at fifty miles per hour so i know that i actually said it, usually they don't understand me, but my brain is happy with knowing that i did say it.

Alright, getting back on track here.
Whenever i was asked if i was going i would just shrug and say: "Nah."
Then they would ask, in a very whiny voice, "why not" and i would just  mumble about not wanting to.
Sometimes they would start going with: "But it's fuuuun." and i wouldn't have enough energy to shoot daggers from my eyes and say: "no way is that grind fest 'fun', in any way, shape or form."

Maybe I'm just being a bitter party-pooper for not wanting to be party-boyed and dance raped by the pervs in my classes that i try to avoid.
I think a lot of people actually have some small amount of "clean" fun at the dances, because other than a couple of teachers hardly being hawk-eyed at the punch bowl, you can look great, listen to music, and chat with your friends for three hours without interruption. Then a slow song will come on, and the school actually encourages its students to get close and touch each other almost sexually.
= D what a magical moment

You know something i don't understand? Why you ask someone you don't particularly care for out, just so you can have someone to slow dance with.
I mean, one of my friends accepted an invatation from the Perv King, just so she could slow dance with someone, but why would you want to freaking dance with him?
Everyday he comes in with some wonderful array of 100% school appropriate jokes and... noises, but for some reason everyone loves to be around him!
Now, it's not like he's actually done it with anyone before, because, let's face it, he's not the tastiest looking apple in the bushel. I'm sure everyone is just friends with him, so they can get a laugh into their day.
A mean thing to say? Sure, but if you only knew of the great quality of people in my grade, in my school!
I got off track there, but i just wanted to tell about him and then he also has a group of undesirables that follow him around...
okay, anyways, you get me? Slow dance with someone you hate, just so you can slow dance with something? err... someone.
So stupid!
She even said something like "#Romeo just asked me to the dance, and i said yes, just so i can have someone to slow dance with, it's going to be awkward, but i don't care."
I freakin' would. I wouldn't let dear "Romeo's" hands anywhere near my waist.

Alright, well it's around 9:30pm now, and the dance is over at 10. It's really gonna take the fire out of my thoughts to know i'm going on about something that's old news.

I think i pretty much said everything that was really annoying me. I'm sure that as soon as i post, log out, and shut of my laptop i'm going to think of some point to make, but right now i really cannot do so.

So I guess this is all i can really complain about now. I don't really know whose reading this right now, but i hope that you understand everything i'm going on about. Maybe you agree with me. I don't really know. Most likely you're 40 year old with 5 children who has a blog about just that and you don't remember your high school days because all you can see are the diapers piling up to your ceiling.
No offense, i know that sounded offensive, but i'm feeling pretty burnt out and i don't know how to sugar coat the things i write. So sorry if i offended you in any kind of way.
Then again, you might be barely 20 and have a blog about your world travels and nothing of what i just said applies and you totally remember your high school days, because not too long ago you were suffering through it too. If that's the case, then...

Okay i don't know, i just really want to finish this post so i can get some sleep, or so i can at least reflect on my life or something along the lines of that.
So, five second recap:

  • Boring Thursday
  • Snow ball dance
  • Why i'm not going
  • Sticky floors
  • Why the dance is not fuuuun.
  • Slow dancing with Perv King.
  • Me trying to end the post
  • Me getting sidetracked
  • Me recapping
I probably missed five more things, but i don't care, I'll leave the caring for a time where i'm not feeing burned out. (i think i already said that)
So, this Unicorn Slayer saying goodbye and that: Dances Suck

*Friends-by-force*: we used to be friends but then they left us and became an Undesirable, but then when they finally came back to us, bored with the same routine, they kept there newly perverted attitude. It's extremely annoying and one of these days i'm going to finally tell them to STFU and leave our lunch table.
# =name has been changed.

                                                     Unicorn Slayer


  1. http://gingavitis.blogspot.com/ I had a comment for you, but it turned out way too long, so I put it on my blog :) -Gingavitis

  2. I laughed so hard :) the Perv King? only you(: btw, go text me back(: I didn't go to the dance :(

  3. Pretty much crying right now because that was so great :') and I wish you would say that at school :)

  4. Btw, the dance is tonight so idk why you say its 9:30 when it's 7:29. I don't know why it says I posted that comment at 4 something cause it was a few seconds ago Haha :) you must have thought the dance was friday night but its today and I didn't go :''''(
