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Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Saturday And A 'Jaunt' To GingiVitis

Post #8:
Alright, because it's 12:09am right now, blogger is going to say that's it's Sunday, but i'm pretending that's it still Saturday.
so take that blogger!

Well, my Saturday? Hmm... it was... boring.
Yeah, i know, what's new? Even my weekends are as boring as... my study hall in the cafeteria....
(obviously you don't know how boring that is, but take my word, it's horrific)
On Friday night (last night in my mind) i went to bed really early. Like, at 10. Yeah, i know! Weird right?
Honestly i don't understand how Katy Perry can have such a wild party on Friday. I'm so tired from having to wake up at 6 and go through gym class that when night rolls around i'm so beat, i fall asleep and miss my nighttime programs!
(haha, programs, my grandmother uses that word)
So anyways i went to bed at 10-ish and then i woke up at around 9/10-ish because... umm... i don't know why, i think it was the sun. My room was bright enough it jolted me awake.
Then, strangely, i fell back asleep. I woke up at 12 and couldn't fall back asleep both because my body had enough sleep and because i could hear my sister's music and her amazing singing. Then i just couldn't help myself and i started to sing along, but quietly because i was still pretty groggy.

For the rest of the day, up to about 30 minutes ago, i played: The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time on my 3DS.
Yeah, i'm pretty darn awesome at that game.
Now i bet your seething with jealously because i can maintain such an awesome blog and play games all the time and sleep all day and my parents still have yet to send me to a doctor.
Seriously though, i'm like the laziest person ever, all through summer vacation i was nocturnal and eventually my skin turned gray. It still is; when i look in the mirror i look fine, but if you saw me next to someone else: poof i have the skin tone of cold wet meat.

Anyways, i got a little off track there. If you're an avid reader of mine, i'm sure you noticed that i tend to do that a lot.
What was i talking about? Oh yeah, me playing games all day.
Well i unlocked Master Quest on my game which is a harder version of the game: enemies give you double damage, the dungeons are harder, and oh yeah, you're in a mirror world. It's so confusing! I'm leaving Hyrule Castle Town and i'm going to Zora River and in the normal version you go left; so i'm running left and it takes me until i see that there's no river and bridge for me to remember i went the wrong frickin' way. It's the most frustrating thing in the world. And Link (my character) is right-handed now. In the normal version i laughed at how he was left handed because you would assume that the game creators would go with mass appeal and make him right-handed. Then in master quest: right-handed.
Hmm, odd.
But as i said it's the most frustrating thing in the world because i go to Karkariko Village and i'm going to the graveyard in the back and i'm so lost because I know that it's past the lady with the chickens... but where is the lady with the chickens? Past the House of Skulltula, which was to my right after going past that tree, but... ugg, it just screws my brain and sense of direction up so bad and screws it up so far... that... i don't even know, i still have a headache from trying to figure out how to get to Death Mountain (also in K. Village.)

Okay so that was my Saturday, which in my mind, is still going on because i've only been up for 12 hours.
How long does a human have to stay up to be tired... hmm....

Now comes the time for my side 'jaunt' to GingiVitis in response to her jaunt to me.

First, let me say that i hope that i spelled your name right! Sometimes people change the way a word is spelled to make it original, i.e.: Kat. So i'm not sure if just capitalizing the "V" in gingivitis was the way to go, so i'm just going to hope here. =)
Second, i want to say that i love your username! Now i'm pretty sure your parents didn't name you GingiVitis, or, maybe they're just unorthodox and did name you that, but i'm just saying that i love that you embrace your pure ginger-ness and even have a blog built off it. Very classy. ; D
Third, i want to say once again, thank you. ("once again" because i left a five second comment for you on your post.)  Now i can get all Hallmark here and say: "I love what you said" "You're so nice" "It really made my... night" "Thank you so much!"  And on and on with all the stuff that makes you want to spew chunks all over your computer screen because when it comes to "thank you's" i'm just not that original.
I'm going to give a play by play on what you said to give back the appropriate response.
Well, your welcome for reminding you of your blog. You were just having a "Thursday" moment. ;D
I am in 9th grade.
High school starting at 7th? I know, it's weird. For the longest of time when i was little i thought it was weird that it started in 9th, but now i know it's pretty much the norm for everyone else.
We call the 7th graders, 7th graders. And the 8th graders are also 8th graders. No one really bothered to give them a special name, but i like Mini-Pre-Freshmen. I might use that out in the real world some day.
And 9th graders are referred to as Freshmen. I guess we're trying to stick to tradition.
.... do, do what else... Thanks for the advice about finally getting my word in when they finally had their fill of hearing their own voices. I'm going to use that one on Monday.
I'm happy i didn't offend you, that's usually a good thing.
And with the last big paragraph you typed for me, well i bet that a lot of the people i know and despise probably will grow up just like you described. Heck, in a couple of years i bet maybe one or two may be a little like that. So thank you for that.
Well that it for my appropriate response built around what you said, now let's get un-original for a moment.

Thank you for taking your time to read my random blog. I bet you just hit the "Next Blog" button and decided mine looked worthy enough for you to bestow your eyes upon, so thank you for that too.
Lastly i think i should thank you for when you complimented me and said nice things about me even though you only know me through the written word. That sure put some sprinkles on my ice-cream. (haha, wow, don't even ask...)

I really feel like i should add some more, but i've never really been so directly complimented that i'm unsure on how to proceed. I don't really think this can measure up to the awesome capacity of your side jaunt, (i love that word, thanks for teaching it to me) but  i hope that for now it will do. =)

This is Unicorn Slayer, saying in closing, for the fifty billionth time: thank you for reading my blog. Everyone, thank you.

                                                       Unicorn Slayer

1 comment:

  1. Well first off, you commented on my blog, someone I didn't know, and brought it to mind that I should post more. It had almost been a year on my blog. You, real person, had a blog so I checked it out and holy cow, you talk like me. And ramble like me. :) So I thought you deserved to know that. Sometimes I forget that anyone even looks at my blog, and you reminded me that it is out there for a lot of people to see. I started my blog as a senior in high school, when I was bored one day during my block as a library aide. OK OK Now I'm rambling a lot on your comment, maybe I should take this to my blog again. :)
