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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nothing But A Post

Post #12:
I haven't posted for a couple of days mainly because nothing happened to me that could be postable.
Other than the fact that i was eating honey covered honey grahams and i got the honey all over myself. Not really all over but my arm and fingers were kind of sticky and my shirt somehow got sticky too.
See, not really that interesting.
Kinda boring actually....

Last night i wanted to watch Sweeney Tod, just for the heck of it, but it went until.... 11:30 i think. Also my sister watched it before, and she said it's a musical... I read the information and it said Johnny Depp is a guy who was wrongly accused, and yada yada, but he goes around killing people (dramatic effect pause) and turning them into meat pies. I'm not sure who he feds the meat pies to, or if he just eats them, but it sounded ridiculous, hilarious, stupid, and scary.
What kind of songs do you think they would sing? It said it was based on a musical, (i wonder who was demented enough to write a murder musical), so do you think it will be like in Cinderella where they pretty much narrate everything they're doing, but in song?

You came in for a shave and i'm cutting it real close,
I will kill you now, and turn you into a ghost

(Intended Victim)
No please sir, spare my soul
even though yours is as dark as coal

But i must kill you now!
Now, you have to die!
So i can make you,
into a meat pie

*sung slowly, trying to appeal*
But how do you think i feel?
Held against my own will,
Knowing, that i will be killed.

*sped up again, very creepily*
How you feel, i care not,
For soon you will be slaught-tered - (slaughtered)
*creepy chorus echos*
Your inner red, must be shed
Your blood, you must bleed
And not before that, will i let you leave.
*slight pause as he picks up the razor blade and admires it, sings a little bit slower and softer*
Such a fine silver blade
With which, you will be slain
*creepy chorus echos*
As the edge dances o'er your throat.
As, behind, is left a red line,
As you hope and scream,
That this just a dream;
An endless black nightmare,
Know that if you try to wake,
I'll still be here, your life: mine to take.
*slices the guys throat out and the guy is too shocked and busy dying to sing back; continues slower but gets faster*
So much pain, for so short,
Your agony will contort.
To turn the clock back,
To begin again,
What a sin resulting in black,
No stopping death now,
I will kill this whole town,
Redress this injustice done.

*Police burst in and see the dead-ish bleeding dude and Sweeney Tod all bloody and holding a razor blade; for some odd reason they suspect he killed him, and they start singing and charging towards him)

(Leader of the police)
Get him men!
He has killed again!
We must stop this monster here!
Hurry! Before he disappears!
*Sweeney runs around a corner after hitting that lever, like in the commercial that makes the body slide into a hole for safe keeping or whatever, and when the police get there, he's no where in site! It's like he's a ninja who learned magic and became an illusionist but then died and became a phantom! He's a freaking magic phantom ninja!*

We must find him now, that anti-God
The demon barber, known as: *pause for big ending* Sweeney Tod!
(*Exit stage left*)

Yep, that's probably about it.
I doubt that anything even close to that gets sung, but i like it. I need to copyright this!
Took me two hours to write it all, but it was worth it.
Well i need to do my geometry homework, no matter how much i don't want to! I hate geometry so much it makes me want to scream at our teacher.
Remind me never to be an architect so when i don't use all these fun things she's been forcing us to learn about triangles i can go and see and be all like: Ha! This class was pointless! So put that in your juice box and suck it!
I bet i'm not even going to do the homework after i leave, i'm just going to peruse the channels and listen to music and wait until nine to open the book, but i'm not going to want to do it, so i'll just slide it aside until ten thirty and i'll be like: oh no! (false concern) if i want to be healthy and get a good amount of sleep in, i better not stay up and force myself to do this. I should pick my health over one measly homework assignment.
Then I'll stay up for longer anyways and then hope to god that she doesn't give us a homework check.
Yeah that's about it. If i didn't want to write out that whole Sweeney Tod scene, this would have been one boring post.

Alright, Unicorn Slayer, signing off, saying: Why doesn't anything creepy rhyme with neck? (You have deck and peck and heck and speck, but nothing creepy...)

                                                  Unicorn Slayer

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