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Monday, January 23, 2012

It's One Of Those "Monday" Days Again

Post #11:
So, Monday. We've all had those days where you can't wake up and when you turn on the light from your bedside lamp and it burns the heck out of your eyes. Right?  Well I had one of those days... am still having one of those days. My bro's phone went off ten minutes earlier then when i usually wake up, so his stupid alarm ringtone woke me up.
Hmm, at around five eleven in the morning i thought my cat was possesed because she was meowing and throwing this really loud fit and I was freaked out. So i had to lean down and check on her to make sure she wasn't actually possesed, but don't worry, we're good, she... i guess she had a nightmare.
 Today was the last day of gym though! It was a really sucky gym class, but now it's over!
My internet came back yesterday, so now i can post from home again!
My internet is this little thing that looks like a flash drive, or "thumb drive" as my mom calls them, and i put it into one of the ports on my laptop's side and then i hit the connect button and then: viola! I'm connected!
Then the time starts ticking and i have to do whatever i'm doing really fast. But i don't really understand that because when you look at the usage it says: MB
In either cases i can't totally OD on you tube videos like i have three times before. I blamed the second on my brother because he was always playing games.
The first time i stayed up to ten in the morning watching you tube videos. I found this Sims 2 vampire machinima called Venin Abyss (I'm still waiting for the 14th episode!) and i couldn't stop watching it. I was at a very critical moment in one of the videos when Adrian was running towards Jenna and she was bleeding! I was like: no Adrian! don't kill her!
Then my mom came in and took the internet key away.
The time ran over so i had to wait two weeks for it to be renewed so i could figure out what happened! It's like the universe didn't want me watching it because my laptop turned off 3 times right as the moment almost came up. I think i had a breakdown that was almost as bad as the greatest freak out ever before i finally got to watch what happened. And it was at the end, so i had to wait nine minutes for it to load and i also had to watch the episode 3 times. Finally i saw the dramatic five seconds and then the last thirty seconds. I was a mixture of emotions, both because of what i watched and because i waited two weeks for thirty seconds.
Anyways, i know you don't know this, but i'm in my room typing this. The bell rang in com lit when i was all the way up talking about... how my internet just came back. Now I'm using the internet in my room, typing away on my laptop, listening to my dog bark and my iPod. wonderful

Well that was my Monday. Nothing really... Hmm... instead of 4th period gym i have art tomorrow, and instead of 7th period Com. Lit. i have "Family Consumer Science" (Home Etc.) So that's good because my physical abilities are... a little below robust, and I've learned all i can about Microsoft Office Word 2010, even though i have 07, and Excel, and PowerPoint. It was good i learned Excel, because i had no idea what it was.

Okay, Side Note Time!
Side Note 1: asdfghjkl;, or Keedra12, has a blog! Yay! but it's under a different name because asdfghjkl; was her anonymous name. So her new name is: Anonymous. JK, it's me! At: uhmmmbanana.blogspot.com, with her blog: Things that need to be known; I guess.
Side Note 2: Don't forget the stuff at the very bottom of my page, such as the famous fish, monthly dumb question, and monthly saying. Though... I'm sure Anonymous covered all the sayings i can put with her first post.
Side Note 3: Don't miss the poll i have on the side of the page. It's below the About Me! thing and above the archive. It's also monthly. After the remaining 15 days i'll post the results of the current poll.
Side Note 4: I think i'm going to start a caption contest for this one picture i took of my cat and she looks so angry, i just need a caption for it!
Side Note 5: All done with side notes.

Okay Being Human is on. I've missed the first season, but i don't really care, i'll piece it together somehow.
This is Unicorn Slayer saying: Whoa, that happy couple should really look out for the guy in the black hooded sweatshirt that's stalking him! (seriously, he has black eyes! Pretty noticeable!)

                                                     Unicorn Slayer

1 comment:

  1. Its home ec buddy. Short for home economics. (: Haha not home etc. I have to correct everything :) you know that!(:
