Go Ahead, Behold My Blog, I Allow You.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Let's Blame It On The Wi-Fi, Shall We?

Post #31:

Yes, i apologize, i have not graced you beautiful followers with my presence in the form of a post in... well... too long. I feel ashamed that i shoved you away to the darkest depths of my priorities. Nevermore shall i ignore you for such a long time. I am a hideous wretch who dost deserve great punishment. Continue your loyalty and i will show you that your decision to forgive me was not a mistake... anon.

Alright, well now that i have gotten the formal apologies out of the way, i'll get on with explaining myself. If the title hasn't given it away yet, it was my Wi-Fi. Yes, i said it, Wi-Fi. A Long while ago the heavens parted and sent down a magical device called a router and attached it to the side of my house. I can now have the power to search the internet wirelessly. Woo!
This happened a while ago and i tried to post from my iPod but everytime i would try it would either crash, or when i got to the "create a post" page my keyoard wouldn't pop up and i couldn't type. Sorry.
I really, truely tried but ten minutes ago i figured out how to make the wifi work on my laptop... i had to flick a switch to the one position... i sincerely never knew what the button did until this day, even though in the days before Wi-Fi i played with it sometimes during loading screens. Whoops. * embarrassed shrug* What'ca gonna do, right?

I really wished i could blog before though because ever since the devil slapped me and sent me flying backwards into the heck i've been trying to escape once again i've been feeling pretty crappy. It mostly has to do with the Perv King (we all remember him, right?) and my gym class with the most annoying/skanky girl/tramps in both my grade and, the one above me, eleventh. Every Monday and Friday during eighth period. Let's just say that my friends know to beware of me during ninth on those days.

Okay, priority moment here. I knew that every moment that i wanted to blog, well i wouldn't remember them, but i pledged myself into saying, that as soon as i post again, i will tell you... well i lost.
The contest i entered, i lost. The writing contest. Yeah... you're reading something a loser wrote.
As i read the email my heart was pounding and i read the winners and honorable mentions names... and i wasn't one of them. Though, the email did mention a contestant who sent their story in ten minutes before they were due and knowing that i was sort of mentioned made me feel a little special because that email was sent to everyone who entered the contest... that's a lot of people man!

Back to the most current parts of life... well nothing is happening right now. I'm home alone, my sister is with my mother to get her hair cut, my brother went to a friend's party my dad probably drove him.
I'm planning on trying to download Slender and maybe Minecraft, if they're free. I'll probably cry whilst playing Slender and Minecraft is just something to do to waste time.
If you don't know what Slender is, it's a scary and simple game to play on the computer that... will probably make me cry.
If you don't know what Minecraft is, its a game with intentionally bad graphics that's pointless.

You can go look it up if you care enough too. (My video of the week, located at the bottom of the blog, is Slender related!)

Let's end this post with talking about TV!
Season 3 of Face-Off is over and happy that Nicole won! I was hoping for Alana but Nicole was always the second person i cheered for, so i'm happy she won. I didn't actually watch the finale, i forgot about it and had to look it up the next day.
I found out that Being Human will be coming back on January 14th! *jumping for joy* Even though, by now i started to rationalize about the ending and i realize that Josh probably didn't get shot and Nora probably shot the one guy who turned Josh into a wolf... wait... that means he and Nora won't have their werewolf powers! Well maybe Nora shot the guy in the leg because she couldn't kill him, you know, and, because two shots were heard after the screen went black, after he fell he shot a bullet into the air. That's probably it. And for Aiden being literally "grounded" in the ground... in a coffin... supposedly forever, well i bet Henry is going to save him because he was only a little half deadish when Aiden saw him last and he would know what was happening and save him. For Sally, well i don't know because the episode ended with her crying for help using her ghost powers to talk through the radio... i don't know whats going on with her. Maybe she'll e saved somehow.  Janurary 14th!
And in other news i started to watch Doctor Who and The Walking Dead. My friend Lewis Spongi watches Doctor Who so she helped catch me up to speed on most of the things i had questions about. So that was good.
I dont' know what to talk about anymore so let's call this a post!

Again i am sorry my dear followers that you have been ignored. I give many thanks to the fact that you still read my post and i hope you have forgiven me and my regretful behavior. UnicornSlayer here, signing off, peace my brethren and... sistern.

                                                    Unicorn Slayer


  1. I've had issues posting posts on my iPod, too. Mostly that it won't leave spaces when I start new paragraphs and it not letting me scroll down on long ones to edit something. 'Tis frustrating!

    And you watch Doctor Who now? Sweet! (And how is The Walking Dead? Is it awesome?)

  2. Well, honestly, i haven't been paying attention to the happenings on the Walking Dead, sorry. I pretty much just listen to the TV whilst doing something else and as soon as i hear some zombie killing action i turn my eyes to it just to watch the gore, then i ignore it again. I DO know that Carl is an idiotic little child who is never in the house when he should be and causes a lot of trouble.
    Sorry, if you do watch it intently, i'll try to pay more attention!

    1. I don't watch Walking Dead, I was just curious about what you thought to see whether or not I might try it.

      But zombie killing action is awesome! :D
