Post #33:
If you're wondering why i've been so active with my blogging... well... i honestly don't know, guys. I just have.
I guess i'm just trying to give you guys something to look forward to. Just something part of some-what daily routine. Like: Watch PewDiePie videos, Watch Cry videos, check iFunny, check email, check UnicornSlayer's blog.
( =) I'm sure the first part is just part of my daily schedule.)
So my Friday so far, i guess pretty good.
A little chilly though, but i guess pretty good... Well i had to wear my third best pair of pants today because My 1st are going through the laundry and my 2nd has freaking gum on the knee from when i crossed my legs or something and it bumped some gum under my desk in chemistry. Made me so mad.
Anyways, my 3rd best are boot cut and not the comfortable and sometimes they're flood jeans.
So that added some suck to the day, but i guess it was still okay.
The worst of the day was probably History because we had to watch a movie that didn't have to do anything with history at all, pretty much. This History class is a blow off class so no one payed attention to movie. I worked on my PewDiePie collage of pictures and worked on touching up my drawing of a Bro (monster from Amnesia)
And of course, because History sucks so bad and things just had to suck more, my seat is by the Perv King (i think i mentioned this before, so sorry if you already knew that) He was out in all of his Perverted glory. I don't want to repeat what he said because it's against my morals to even say Heck. (I know that seems a little weird because i've said things like slut before... but it's a little different to write that than say that. I don't like saying that aloud and i try my best to keep my words as clean as possible, but when you're in High School, well, it has a way of spoiling the youngest of fruits. [weird analogy there]) It was horrible. Anonymous was laughing and it was disgusting. I didn't want to move because we were supposed to be watching the movie (even thought the teacher knew we weren't watching it and was actually talking to us too) but i didn't want to move and turn attention towards myself and sit in the back and just draw and make him think i wasn't paying attention, even though he wouldn't have cared.
But, i have an aversion to getting in trouble (a good fear to have, i suppose) and i didn't want to move.
So, i sat there.
And listened to the sexual questions asked by the Perv King to the girl in front of me (she probably like it though, considering how she never told him to leave her alone, or moved from her seat, or told the teacher)
I am the master of the Poker Face when it comes to things like this. I mean, it i played the game where you can't laugh or you lose, well i would suck at, and at actual Poker, too (even though i have no idea how to play that... honestly, no idea)
That reaaaally sucked. But then during the next period, study hall, i made a Cry-lage (like a PDP collage, but with Cry's avatar with different emotions)
So my day wasn't really ruined.
The only sucky part of my day was when i was getting on the bus to go home and i tripped going up the stairs. It was awkward. I shook it off, but it was still awkward.
Right now i'm watching a three-episode-of-Doctor-Who marathon.
I don't know why but i always expect a weeping angel attack. The first episode I've ever watched was an extremely sad episode about weeping angels in which they go to the future and they find an older Rory who dies and all this other stuff and the weeping angels are evil and they built the hotel place and then there's a book that tells of the future but you can't read it or it will finalize the future and present day Rory kills himself so a paradox will be created and everything works out and they go to the present and fixed the future but then Rory is taken off guard and attack by an angel and Amy sacrifices herself to be with Rory and it's all really sad... but something that i don't understand is that there are new episodes on, right, so i guess they didn't die... It's confusing a little, but at least i can enjoy all the witty and quirky things the Doctor does in older episodes and random marathons. I guess that's the beauty of starting a show that has been on for so long and is so beloved... you have so much to watch and you're pretty sure it's going to be good.
Anyways, i don't know how i went on talking about a show that i've only watched about five and half episodes of, but... as i was saying...
My Friday has been generally boring.
I wish i could spin you a tale of passion, adventure, wit, and fun, all tied up with my heroics and the defeat of evil, but, i'm sorry, my life isn't that exciting. I wish i could tell you that i've run away with the Doctor and stared at angels at the same time I've met my 30 year old daughter (or something along the lines of an actual plot of one episode) but my life isn't that interesting and fun.
I wish i could tell you something that would make you extremely excited to see that i've posted something new... but i just can't.
Sorry (oh geez, i just realized that my inner voice is sounding British)
So, the most exciting thing i've thought about today is that i can stay up until 4 AM watching videos and sleep until 4 PM afterwards. Oh, the weekend, the joys you bring me. (unless my family wants me to be social for some reason)
So that kind of explains what i'll be doing for the next two days. So if i don't post, then i guarantee that you didn't miss anything.
(i just realized that i start a lot of my paragraphs with "So")
Okay, i just watched a really weird episode of Doctor Who. Apparently the doctor is going to die... but it was made in 2011, I'm sure i would have noticed on Pinterest if there was a 12th Doctor.
I guess i'm going to watch it and see if i can understand what happens...
This is UnicornSlayer leaving you with the message of: "Tick, Tock, goes the clock..."
Unicorn Slayer
If You Have Ever Went Through Some Of The Blogs On This Wonderful Site, I Bet That You Have Seen That Most Of Them Are About happy couples, businesses, and women talking about their kids, But Me? I'm Just A Teen-aged Girl Of This Century. Enjoy My Life And Ranting! C= Unicorn Slayer
Go Ahead, Behold My Blog, I Allow You.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
My Week
Post #32:
So this week has strictly been on a: screw this crap!, basis.
Ever since TG break, in which Wednesday was our first full day off, I've just sort've been laying in bed and enjoying the wifi. (even though it's a little sketchy and crashes sometimes)
On TG my family and i ate dinner at one PM and we were all in our jammies. Dinner lasted for about fifteen minutes, maybe. (but i'm not complaining)
Then, on the most Racist of All Days, (black Friday) well, it was horrible. I hate people. I'm an introvert with a dash of misanthrope.
Introverted Misanthrope?
That is one of the most accurate descriptions of me that anyone will ever think of.
So this day, or night, or morning, was horrific for me.
Brushing shoulders with people i dont know.
Oh god, i'm gagging just thinking about it. So uncomfortable... awkward... constricting.
Plus it was midnight and i was relaxing and watching YouTube videos, ready to spend the hours in my night owl bliss, when my sister comes screaming at me and i didn't have it in me to fight her.
So that's how i ended up picking up a random pair of cold jeans off of my floor, picking a shirt up out of my clean pile of clothes (or maybe it was dirty) and going to the unrelenting Mall just so we could buy a handful of towels, some hot chocolate K-cups, and a little tiny handheld vacuum.
It sucked.
My sister took me to Rue 21 and they have the little perfume testers by the register so my mother decided to shove a couple in my face and then my hand smelled like perfume because i must've gotten some on me so when i went home i petted my cat and then she smelled like it. Not even like a fragrance, just that gross perfumey smell that every perfume has under the good smell.
i was choking on perfume all night after i got home...
Not fun.
So, that was the freaking worst, but i guess it gets better.
For the past two days straight i've been watching YouTube videos made by a guy who calls himself PewDiePie, maybe you've heard of him, maybe not. My last Video Of The Week was of him playing Slender (which was the first video i watched of him, myself)
Well he's put up over 1,000 videos over the course of 2 years, so i'm on this mad dash to watch most of them. A little impossible? Sure. Yeah. Probably. But that's okay. I'll still try.
My next VOTW will probably be of him.
I just need to find one that isn't Slender related that is at least a little bit appropiate and one that i think other people might like.
I mean, i got my sister to watch him play Slender! She kept making me find different videos for her to watch, eventually i ran out of slender videos and i found funny/scary montages for her to watch but My Pod was being temperamental, and it was also the wifi's fault too, so everything kept freezing and crashing and... sadness.
2 straight days of YouTube.
I'm going places with my life.
Hey! It's six! If i was playing Sims 2 then i would have just aged a day. True Story.
Alright, well my week story is pretty much over now.
Other than saying that i didn't even start to read the... six or so chapters for English in Wuthering Heights and the... maybe, ten worksheets that goes with it.
So even though the title of this post is about my week i'm going to go on for maybe a couple or more paragraphs that has nothing to do with this week.
As shameful as it is... and please don't un-follow me as soon as i say this, but my sister dragged me to see the last of the twilight series. I know. I feel like i committed one of the seven deadly sins. I'm sorry if your self respect for me went a little bit... but i did.
You might hate me the most when i say that i've actually seen the whole series.
Well, you know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
I was just being tactful when i saw them, you should be proud of me.
But, something good came out of this sinful event.
Lewis told me about this movie coming out, Warm Bodies, a day or so before i even saw the trailer in the theatre (she talks about it a little more in, i think, her most recent post) but before i saw the trailer in the theatre my sister was like, "So there's this movie coming out that i think you'll like, but maybe not, but it's called Warm Bodies..." Then i was like, "Warm Bodies?! i want to see that so bad, [Lewis] told me about it a couple of days ago... blah blah blah" Then we went on about how cute the guy is and how cute the story. I was really surprised that she wanted to see it because she frowns upon horror-type movies and this was about zombies, but apparently she thought the story was cute and she wants to see it... sooo...
February 1st, i'll be waiting for you!
First, January 14th, then February 1st? My beginning-of-the-year is going to pretty sweet. Those Mayans better be lying about December, though, or i'll be really upset!
.... Maybe all our ghosts can get together and create a ghost society together like nothing happened (we would ignore the obvious signs of the apocalypse though, like the demolished cities and such) and we would all just live on with no sickness and death and hunger and we would all be happy and the ghost scientists will create laptops that ghosts can touch and they would create chairs that we wouldn't fall through we sat down and all this stuff that us intangible ghosts can touch and we would live and the world would be a better place.
(i forgot to put this in... i'm editing this in... fifteen minutes after posting this, but i just forgot to say that i downloaded Slender and i tried to play it but my ancient laptop couldn't handle it and it was lagging and buffering and it took me five seconds to take one step forward... if you watch my last VOTW then you realize that it was probably a blessing that it didn't work, but i'm still pretty sad that i've never played it.)
Anyways, that was pretty much all i wanted to talk about.
Oh, wait!
First, a little self promotion.
If you have an Instagram and want to follow me my name is UNICORNSLAYER388
Don't ask why it's all in caps though, that just how it appears even though i thought i put it in as UnicornSlayer388
My profile picture is of a cat sitting on a window sill (iz my kitty!)
I would tell you my Pinterest but i use my real name on that... so... sorry. (it's mostly pictures of bacon and zombies and Legend of Zelda things)
My Instagram is just pictures of my cats, Seraphina (my cat) and Peaches (my sister's cat) doing cute stuff, and of cool things i made with this SpaceFX app i found. I only have 17 pictures so far but i do have like, 40 followers for some reason... I don't know any of them. It's a little weird...
I used to do this whole thing where it's, You Follow Me, So I Follow You, but some of the people who follow me think that the point of Instagram is take pictures of yourself and post those, which is not the point at all so i stopped following them. Yeah. So if you do start to follow me, and if you do have an Instagram i would very much be happy if you commented your username at the end of this post so i know who you are.
I feel like one of those annoying people who comment on a popular video on YouTube and are like "hey, i like this person, but i'm awesome too, so check me out at blahblahblah thanks for reading this because i'm awesome and cute and it would make my day for you to do this. blahbah."
I HATE those people.
Alright my dear followers thank you for putting up me and my Introverted Misanthrope-ism. I will post again if my life is any more interesting. (ha, it will never be interesting) See you later.
Unicorn Slayer
So this week has strictly been on a: screw this crap!, basis.
Ever since TG break, in which Wednesday was our first full day off, I've just sort've been laying in bed and enjoying the wifi. (even though it's a little sketchy and crashes sometimes)
On TG my family and i ate dinner at one PM and we were all in our jammies. Dinner lasted for about fifteen minutes, maybe. (but i'm not complaining)
Then, on the most Racist of All Days, (black Friday) well, it was horrible. I hate people. I'm an introvert with a dash of misanthrope.
Introverted Misanthrope?
That is one of the most accurate descriptions of me that anyone will ever think of.
So this day, or night, or morning, was horrific for me.
Brushing shoulders with people i dont know.
Oh god, i'm gagging just thinking about it. So uncomfortable... awkward... constricting.
Plus it was midnight and i was relaxing and watching YouTube videos, ready to spend the hours in my night owl bliss, when my sister comes screaming at me and i didn't have it in me to fight her.
So that's how i ended up picking up a random pair of cold jeans off of my floor, picking a shirt up out of my clean pile of clothes (or maybe it was dirty) and going to the unrelenting Mall just so we could buy a handful of towels, some hot chocolate K-cups, and a little tiny handheld vacuum.
It sucked.
My sister took me to Rue 21 and they have the little perfume testers by the register so my mother decided to shove a couple in my face and then my hand smelled like perfume because i must've gotten some on me so when i went home i petted my cat and then she smelled like it. Not even like a fragrance, just that gross perfumey smell that every perfume has under the good smell.
i was choking on perfume all night after i got home...
Not fun.
So, that was the freaking worst, but i guess it gets better.
For the past two days straight i've been watching YouTube videos made by a guy who calls himself PewDiePie, maybe you've heard of him, maybe not. My last Video Of The Week was of him playing Slender (which was the first video i watched of him, myself)
Well he's put up over 1,000 videos over the course of 2 years, so i'm on this mad dash to watch most of them. A little impossible? Sure. Yeah. Probably. But that's okay. I'll still try.
My next VOTW will probably be of him.
I just need to find one that isn't Slender related that is at least a little bit appropiate and one that i think other people might like.
I mean, i got my sister to watch him play Slender! She kept making me find different videos for her to watch, eventually i ran out of slender videos and i found funny/scary montages for her to watch but My Pod was being temperamental, and it was also the wifi's fault too, so everything kept freezing and crashing and... sadness.
2 straight days of YouTube.
I'm going places with my life.
Hey! It's six! If i was playing Sims 2 then i would have just aged a day. True Story.
Alright, well my week story is pretty much over now.
Other than saying that i didn't even start to read the... six or so chapters for English in Wuthering Heights and the... maybe, ten worksheets that goes with it.
So even though the title of this post is about my week i'm going to go on for maybe a couple or more paragraphs that has nothing to do with this week.
As shameful as it is... and please don't un-follow me as soon as i say this, but my sister dragged me to see the last of the twilight series. I know. I feel like i committed one of the seven deadly sins. I'm sorry if your self respect for me went a little bit... but i did.
You might hate me the most when i say that i've actually seen the whole series.
Well, you know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
I was just being tactful when i saw them, you should be proud of me.
But, something good came out of this sinful event.
Lewis told me about this movie coming out, Warm Bodies, a day or so before i even saw the trailer in the theatre (she talks about it a little more in, i think, her most recent post) but before i saw the trailer in the theatre my sister was like, "So there's this movie coming out that i think you'll like, but maybe not, but it's called Warm Bodies..." Then i was like, "Warm Bodies?! i want to see that so bad, [Lewis] told me about it a couple of days ago... blah blah blah" Then we went on about how cute the guy is and how cute the story. I was really surprised that she wanted to see it because she frowns upon horror-type movies and this was about zombies, but apparently she thought the story was cute and she wants to see it... sooo...
February 1st, i'll be waiting for you!
First, January 14th, then February 1st? My beginning-of-the-year is going to pretty sweet. Those Mayans better be lying about December, though, or i'll be really upset!
.... Maybe all our ghosts can get together and create a ghost society together like nothing happened (we would ignore the obvious signs of the apocalypse though, like the demolished cities and such) and we would all just live on with no sickness and death and hunger and we would all be happy and the ghost scientists will create laptops that ghosts can touch and they would create chairs that we wouldn't fall through we sat down and all this stuff that us intangible ghosts can touch and we would live and the world would be a better place.
(i forgot to put this in... i'm editing this in... fifteen minutes after posting this, but i just forgot to say that i downloaded Slender and i tried to play it but my ancient laptop couldn't handle it and it was lagging and buffering and it took me five seconds to take one step forward... if you watch my last VOTW then you realize that it was probably a blessing that it didn't work, but i'm still pretty sad that i've never played it.)
Anyways, that was pretty much all i wanted to talk about.
Oh, wait!
First, a little self promotion.
If you have an Instagram and want to follow me my name is UNICORNSLAYER388
Don't ask why it's all in caps though, that just how it appears even though i thought i put it in as UnicornSlayer388
My profile picture is of a cat sitting on a window sill (iz my kitty!)
I would tell you my Pinterest but i use my real name on that... so... sorry. (it's mostly pictures of bacon and zombies and Legend of Zelda things)
My Instagram is just pictures of my cats, Seraphina (my cat) and Peaches (my sister's cat) doing cute stuff, and of cool things i made with this SpaceFX app i found. I only have 17 pictures so far but i do have like, 40 followers for some reason... I don't know any of them. It's a little weird...
I used to do this whole thing where it's, You Follow Me, So I Follow You, but some of the people who follow me think that the point of Instagram is take pictures of yourself and post those, which is not the point at all so i stopped following them. Yeah. So if you do start to follow me, and if you do have an Instagram i would very much be happy if you commented your username at the end of this post so i know who you are.
I feel like one of those annoying people who comment on a popular video on YouTube and are like "hey, i like this person, but i'm awesome too, so check me out at blahblahblah thanks for reading this because i'm awesome and cute and it would make my day for you to do this. blahbah."
I HATE those people.
Alright my dear followers thank you for putting up me and my Introverted Misanthrope-ism. I will post again if my life is any more interesting. (ha, it will never be interesting) See you later.
Unicorn Slayer
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Let's Blame It On The Wi-Fi, Shall We?
Post #31:
Yes, i apologize, i have not graced you beautiful followers with my presence in the form of a post in... well... too long. I feel ashamed that i shoved you away to the darkest depths of my priorities. Nevermore shall i ignore you for such a long time. I am a hideous wretch who dost deserve great punishment. Continue your loyalty and i will show you that your decision to forgive me was not a mistake... anon.
Alright, well now that i have gotten the formal apologies out of the way, i'll get on with explaining myself. If the title hasn't given it away yet, it was my Wi-Fi. Yes, i said it, Wi-Fi. A Long while ago the heavens parted and sent down a magical device called a router and attached it to the side of my house. I can now have the power to search the internet wirelessly. Woo!
This happened a while ago and i tried to post from my iPod but everytime i would try it would either crash, or when i got to the "create a post" page my keyoard wouldn't pop up and i couldn't type. Sorry.
I really, truely tried but ten minutes ago i figured out how to make the wifi work on my laptop... i had to flick a switch to the one position... i sincerely never knew what the button did until this day, even though in the days before Wi-Fi i played with it sometimes during loading screens. Whoops. * embarrassed shrug* What'ca gonna do, right?
I really wished i could blog before though because ever since the devil slapped me and sent me flying backwards into the heck i've been trying to escape once again i've been feeling pretty crappy. It mostly has to do with the Perv King (we all remember him, right?) and my gym class with the most annoying/skanky girl/tramps in both my grade and, the one above me, eleventh. Every Monday and Friday during eighth period. Let's just say that my friends know to beware of me during ninth on those days.
Okay, priority moment here. I knew that every moment that i wanted to blog, well i wouldn't remember them, but i pledged myself into saying, that as soon as i post again, i will tell you... well i lost.
The contest i entered, i lost. The writing contest. Yeah... you're reading something a loser wrote.
As i read the email my heart was pounding and i read the winners and honorable mentions names... and i wasn't one of them. Though, the email did mention a contestant who sent their story in ten minutes before they were due and knowing that i was sort of mentioned made me feel a little special because that email was sent to everyone who entered the contest... that's a lot of people man!
Back to the most current parts of life... well nothing is happening right now. I'm home alone, my sister is with my mother to get her hair cut, my brother went to a friend's party my dad probably drove him.
I'm planning on trying to download Slender and maybe Minecraft, if they're free. I'll probably cry whilst playing Slender and Minecraft is just something to do to waste time.
If you don't know what Slender is, it's a scary and simple game to play on the computer that... will probably make me cry.
If you don't know what Minecraft is, its a game with intentionally bad graphics that's pointless.
You can go look it up if you care enough too. (My video of the week, located at the bottom of the blog, is Slender related!)
Let's end this post with talking about TV!
Season 3 of Face-Off is over and happy that Nicole won! I was hoping for Alana but Nicole was always the second person i cheered for, so i'm happy she won. I didn't actually watch the finale, i forgot about it and had to look it up the next day.
I found out that Being Human will be coming back on January 14th! *jumping for joy* Even though, by now i started to rationalize about the ending and i realize that Josh probably didn't get shot and Nora probably shot the one guy who turned Josh into a wolf... wait... that means he and Nora won't have their werewolf powers! Well maybe Nora shot the guy in the leg because she couldn't kill him, you know, and, because two shots were heard after the screen went black, after he fell he shot a bullet into the air. That's probably it. And for Aiden being literally "grounded" in the ground... in a coffin... supposedly forever, well i bet Henry is going to save him because he was only a little half deadish when Aiden saw him last and he would know what was happening and save him. For Sally, well i don't know because the episode ended with her crying for help using her ghost powers to talk through the radio... i don't know whats going on with her. Maybe she'll e saved somehow. Janurary 14th!
And in other news i started to watch Doctor Who and The Walking Dead. My friend Lewis Spongi watches Doctor Who so she helped catch me up to speed on most of the things i had questions about. So that was good.
I dont' know what to talk about anymore so let's call this a post!
Unicorn Slayer
Yes, i apologize, i have not graced you beautiful followers with my presence in the form of a post in... well... too long. I feel ashamed that i shoved you away to the darkest depths of my priorities. Nevermore shall i ignore you for such a long time. I am a hideous wretch who dost deserve great punishment. Continue your loyalty and i will show you that your decision to forgive me was not a mistake... anon.
Alright, well now that i have gotten the formal apologies out of the way, i'll get on with explaining myself. If the title hasn't given it away yet, it was my Wi-Fi. Yes, i said it, Wi-Fi. A Long while ago the heavens parted and sent down a magical device called a router and attached it to the side of my house. I can now have the power to search the internet wirelessly. Woo!
This happened a while ago and i tried to post from my iPod but everytime i would try it would either crash, or when i got to the "create a post" page my keyoard wouldn't pop up and i couldn't type. Sorry.
I really, truely tried but ten minutes ago i figured out how to make the wifi work on my laptop... i had to flick a switch to the one position... i sincerely never knew what the button did until this day, even though in the days before Wi-Fi i played with it sometimes during loading screens. Whoops. * embarrassed shrug* What'ca gonna do, right?
I really wished i could blog before though because ever since the devil slapped me and sent me flying backwards into the heck i've been trying to escape once again i've been feeling pretty crappy. It mostly has to do with the Perv King (we all remember him, right?) and my gym class with the most annoying/skanky girl/tramps in both my grade and, the one above me, eleventh. Every Monday and Friday during eighth period. Let's just say that my friends know to beware of me during ninth on those days.
Okay, priority moment here. I knew that every moment that i wanted to blog, well i wouldn't remember them, but i pledged myself into saying, that as soon as i post again, i will tell you... well i lost.
The contest i entered, i lost. The writing contest. Yeah... you're reading something a loser wrote.
As i read the email my heart was pounding and i read the winners and honorable mentions names... and i wasn't one of them. Though, the email did mention a contestant who sent their story in ten minutes before they were due and knowing that i was sort of mentioned made me feel a little special because that email was sent to everyone who entered the contest... that's a lot of people man!
Back to the most current parts of life... well nothing is happening right now. I'm home alone, my sister is with my mother to get her hair cut, my brother went to a friend's party my dad probably drove him.
I'm planning on trying to download Slender and maybe Minecraft, if they're free. I'll probably cry whilst playing Slender and Minecraft is just something to do to waste time.
If you don't know what Slender is, it's a scary and simple game to play on the computer that... will probably make me cry.
If you don't know what Minecraft is, its a game with intentionally bad graphics that's pointless.
You can go look it up if you care enough too. (My video of the week, located at the bottom of the blog, is Slender related!)
Let's end this post with talking about TV!
Season 3 of Face-Off is over and happy that Nicole won! I was hoping for Alana but Nicole was always the second person i cheered for, so i'm happy she won. I didn't actually watch the finale, i forgot about it and had to look it up the next day.
I found out that Being Human will be coming back on January 14th! *jumping for joy* Even though, by now i started to rationalize about the ending and i realize that Josh probably didn't get shot and Nora probably shot the one guy who turned Josh into a wolf... wait... that means he and Nora won't have their werewolf powers! Well maybe Nora shot the guy in the leg because she couldn't kill him, you know, and, because two shots were heard after the screen went black, after he fell he shot a bullet into the air. That's probably it. And for Aiden being literally "grounded" in the ground... in a coffin... supposedly forever, well i bet Henry is going to save him because he was only a little half deadish when Aiden saw him last and he would know what was happening and save him. For Sally, well i don't know because the episode ended with her crying for help using her ghost powers to talk through the radio... i don't know whats going on with her. Maybe she'll e saved somehow. Janurary 14th!
And in other news i started to watch Doctor Who and The Walking Dead. My friend Lewis Spongi watches Doctor Who so she helped catch me up to speed on most of the things i had questions about. So that was good.
I dont' know what to talk about anymore so let's call this a post!
Again i am sorry my dear followers that you have been ignored. I give many thanks to the fact that you still read my post and i hope you have forgiven me and my regretful behavior. UnicornSlayer here, signing off, peace my brethren and... sistern.
Unicorn Slayer
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