Go Ahead, Behold My Blog, I Allow You.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alright! Let's do this!

Post #41:
I wrote this on Tuesday. Today is Sunday. I like to slack hardcore.

So, I know that I've been gone for awhile, but before I get to the things I said I was going to talk about in the last post, let me reminiscent about today.

So, today was really a beautiful day. Sunshine, no need for a hoodie in class, and I even got to chat things up with the guy I like.
I know this sun is probably being deceitful and eventually the winter jackets are going to have to be brought out of what we hoped would be their hibernation. I think it's supposed to go back the fifties on Friday, and although that isn't too bad, I was really hoping for a little bit more warmth.
I may wear some kind of shorter pants tommorow, whether that means actual shorts or capris, I don't know... I actually think they're all in storage somewhere in my room, so i'll have to go on a hunt for them later.
To tell the truth, I'm writing this on my iPod, on my bus ride home. I've realized that everything is all fun and spring-y until everyone decides opens their windows and your hair keeps smacking you in the face.
Also, I guess some of these kids bag vet heard of that rule in which "before you get off the bus, you close your window"
A lot of them of them are still open and there aren't many people left.
And know we're picking up speed and my hair is going nuts
I think I need to put it in a pony tail
Alright, that's way better. I'll take it out before I get off.
Which will be happening soon actually.
Things are just so nice. We're going slower and there's just a breeze now. It's nice. I need to enjoy his while I can. Maybe i'll play with my dogs for once.

Time warp.
Welcome to Sunday. Where it's 10:31 pm and I have to go to school tomorrow... which means gym class... and exercise... ew.

I didn't actually play with the dogs when I came home. I was more like: "Do, do, do... let's change into my jammies, and then let's go and- LOOK YOUTUBE!" O-O
I don't like exercise.
I think I had some spring fever and deliriums.

Now that i'm on the topic of spring, I can rant on about how it's a jerk!

What are you doing, weather?! Why would you let me wear shorts and no jacket on a random day in the middle on the week, and then have me curled in a frozen ball on the weekend!
Seriously, I curled up in the fetal position under two comforters today.
I. Can. Not. Comprehend. The. Cold.
The freaking Cold. I'm the mouse to it's cat. It's playing with me. It didn't like how happy I was and decided to go in for another swipe!
Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer-ish again, but let's just cross that bridge when we get there.

So, before I talk about events in the way past, let's talk about today!

It's been awhile, so I don't know if I mentioned that my English class was reading Hamlet. If I didn't, we were reading Hamlet.
Spoiler Alert! They all die.
The big book test is tomorrow.
I hate tests.
Now, even though my teacher enjoys the cool refreshing beverage of her students' tears, she let's us do projects instead of the big tests, if we want.
I chose the project.

My assignment? (that I was really the only one who decided to do, because other people thought it would be too hard.)
Make an amusement park based off the play Hamlet.
I must have 10 main attractions, their names all relevant to the play.
I must have 6 amenities, their names all relevant to the play.
Lastly, I must make a brochure containing the cost of admission, location, name of the park (which cannot contain the word Hamlet) and the names of the attractions and amenities, all with a relevant picture.
But I'm Not Stopping There!
I must also design, on a poster board, the park. Showing the rides with their relevant pictures.
All aspects of the project must be neat, colorful, and typed.

It honestly sounds a lot harder than it was. The only hard thing was thinking of the rides' and amenities' names. Sometimes I would think of a cool name, and then not know what kind of ride it could be.
Then, on the brochure, fitting all the pictures on the one page was becoming quite the task, and I had to change the margins all the time. I ended up with having:
Top- .5
Bottom- .5
Left- .6
Right- .6
And then I was freaking out because I thought it would be "Out of the printable regions," but thankfully, I was good.

So, are you wondering what I came up with? Or are you just waiting for me to stop talking about a stupid English project and to just get on with my review of The Raven that you've waited a month for?
Well. Hold your horses.
I'm in control here.
Calm yourself down.
Just look at how creative I am:

Tragedy Falls
7,200 Shillings to enter ($30)

Located in Stratford-Upon-Avon

¾   Amenities

1.     Ophelia’s Bouquets

2.     Plastic Swords Kiosk

3.     The Silver Goblet (restaurant)

4.     The Other Side Museum

5.     The Fatal Flaw Amphitheater

6.     The Castle Of Glass (hotel)

¾   Main Attractions

1.     The Roller-Ghoster

2.     Haunted Battlements

3.     Hushing The Spy (Bumper Cars)

4.     The Falling Of The Innocent (Free-Fall)

5.     Death’s Grip (Coaster)

6.     Daze Of The Crazed (Spinny Ride)

7.     Tilting Minds (Inverting Room)

8.     Ebony Eared (Tilt-A-Whirl)

9.     Rapid Madness (Water Rapids)

10.    Quiet Before The Crazed (Ferris Wheel)
I'm freaking awesome.
I'm also a freaking slacker.
We were given this project in March, and I just decided that I maybe should start it, on Friday.
It wasn't too hard though.
Friday- I brainstormed names.
Saturday- brochure
Sunday- Poster
I hate tests.
I did kind of bad on my test for the last act because I missed the class discussion, so it was up to my interpretation.
I didn't really interpret it right.

I think a lot of people didn't want to do this project because Hamlet wasn't too hard to understand.
Revenge, Thoughts, Incest, Suicide, Death.
That is pretty much the summed up version for you.

Also, we've been slammed with so many freaking English projects.
We have five projects to do.
Let me enlighten you.
We had to do a character collage.
Due on the 8th
The theme park.
Due- 15th
A book report and rough draft (I'm doing Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz. I honestly detest the book. Maybe I'll diversify why in a later post)
Due- 19th
Oral book report
Due- 22nd
And now we have a research paper on the author of our book for our report. (Melissa De La Cruz)
I'm not sure when this is exactly due. Probably some time around the written report.
I also had a Spanish project that was due on the 8th. (Now that I remember, we could have made Mexican food and brought it in for bonus tomorrow. I don't need Spanish bonus. I'm not trying to brag, but I have received a 100% last quarter. And cooking Dulce de Leche Flan is too much work for me.
If you want to see my amazing project, it was ------------
Wait, my school's name is in the URL.
That's a little too personal.
Never mind, don't look it up.
Ignore that.

I'm happy I get to eat food tomorrow in 3rd period.

It'll help relieve the freaking stress of journalism.
I swear to God, that class took a 180 and is so freaking serious all of the sudden!
Journalism is a class that goes on all year, in which you work on the school's newspaper, which is really more or less a little magazine. It talks about events and the students and yah-dah yah-dah.
Usually, the actual class is a study hall, because there isn't much you can do during 2nd period.
But, for the past week....
I'm almost afraid to go there!
    Journalism is a little controversial for me, because even though I like writing and knowing that someone may be reading what I wrote (and I like that I like that I'm actually contributing to something), I hate talking to people, and being the center of attention, or being put on the spot.
     I had to write about two things this month. The Bake-Off and (which I didn't even know I was signed up for until a week ago) this Heritage Science competition.
For the Bake-Off, I had to talk to the Home Ec. teacher, who really isn't all that scary, but I hate just being awkward and asking questions and hoping I asked enough, and taking notes on what they said, and hoping that I got the right information.
Then, also, I wrote an awesome article and stuff, but then my teacher was like "Do you have a picture"
Now, the event was held at a different school, so I said no and that I put a clipart picture of a cake.
Apparently that isn't good enough. Now, I need to get a picture of the team, even though all the articles were due on Friday.
     Now, for the stupid freaking Heritage Science Comp.
I didn't even know that I had to do it until a week ago!
I had to talk to my old biology teacher, which again, isn't too bad, but it's just so freaking awkward!
I didn't even know which science competition it was.
I was like: "Can I ask you about the science competition"
and he was like: "Which one?"
I didn't know that there was more than one!
Then he mentioned the two, and the Heritage Science Comp. sounded like the one that would be in the paper.
Ready for the worst part?
The freaking results didn't even come back yet!
I had half a page to fill, with nothing more than the names of those who were on the team and the names of the events that took place.
That's it.
It only fills about 1/4 of what I need it too.
And, oh yeah, I need a team picture for that, too. Even though everything was due on Friday!
    I feel so fired up now!
Want to know the worst part of journalism?
When my teacher is looking at the newspaper on the computer, she can obviously see who has or has not put in their articles.
The room is usually super quiet, because it's both too early in the day to speak, and we don't have a lot of people on staff/ in class.
So she's going through the paper, like: "Okay, who did the article on that band trip?" (which I just made up) and then someone would be like: "Me" and she would be like: "Why isn't it in yet?"
And then
It's so awkward!
Most of the people can just give a quick answer and then go on with whatever they're doing.
I feel freaking hands choking me.
"[UnicornSlayer,] where's your article on the Bake-Off?"
Now, I'm a slacker, so even though it was due on Friday, and it was Wednesday when she asked this, I didn't even start it.
"Oh, I left my flash drive at home"
*kind of mad-disappointed look*
"What about the science competition article?"
"I need to talk to [insert name here]"
*small agitated sigh* "Can you do that during activity period today?" (we had an activity period that day, and my Spanish club meeting was only going on for half of the period)

That was pretty much it. Now this is in a dead-silent room.
It's horrible.
I hate it.
It makes me want to cry sometimes.
I feel frustrated right now.
I'm kind of questioning why I scheduled this for next year, too.
And, more of what sucks, and that there are features, and then articles.
Features are little fun things in there, like Mystery Photos (which I actually did this time around) Cheers and Jeers, Meet A Seventh Grader, Which Would You Choose, Intellect Walking (a questioning thing) and so on.
These aren't really regarded as serious. So when my teacher saw that I had only one article and a feature, she decided to give me the Science comp. as well. (and I forgot about it)
Now, for the features, you usually don't have to talk to people, and if you do, you can talk to your friends.
I like these.
They're small, easy, have no people-talking-to, and don't really require serious writing with accurate information and you don't really have to worry about writing enough to fill a page.
You can't choose to do too many of these.
There's like an unspoken rule that you can maybe do one or two, but you still need a serious article as well.
You will be looked down upon as a slacker with no initiative!
And then, you'll probably be saddled with another article that no one wanted in the first place, anyways.
    I never really finishing saying why things are so serious.
Because our next issue is May, it will be the last, and so, it will be the Senior Issue.
What is this, you ask?
I'm not 1000% percent sure here, but it's a whole lot of copying down information about the senior class. We give them packets to fill out and then we have to copy the info down. It apparently takes a lot of time to do.
Honestly, when I was a little seventh/eight grader, and my friend would buy a paper, I would read it too, and we would be like "LOL, Cheers and Jeers. LOL, Which Would You Choose. These articles are stupid, who cares about them!"
(seriously, no one really cares about the articles)
Then, the only thing that would be out would be the Senior Issue and I would be like, "Ew, who cares about the seniors, I just want Cheers and Jeers. This is trash!"
It's not even that fun!
What's worse, we only have two computers in the room, and you can only have an open copy of the paper up on one, because it wouldn't save right if you had it open on both.
It's so stressful!!

I think I've ranted enough now.
It's almost midnight and, even though I napped today while curled in a freezing ball, i'm a little tired, and... school.

Let me tell you about the amazing movie of The Raven.

Oh wait, I can't, because I never watched it.

You see, we watch Blu-ray movies on our PS3, and when we were watching The Raven, the power went out. That freaked the complete eff out of the PS3 and it had to cool down or something.
Well, by the time it was ready, Being Human came on (which i'm completely devastated is over for the time being) and I couldn't finish watching it.
I got as far as the Masque of Red Death.
I felt all smart and stuff when I had to explain it to my mother.
The last thing I remember was that they foumd the note about the girlfriend being captured and that Poe was the only one who could save her by using his smarts about his stories.
Then I left.
Let me review as far I can.

That beginning murder with the spring-window was cool, I need to read that story.
The Pit and Pendulum murder was extremely gruesome! It got a nice and close look as the axe swung down through that guy's stomach, and each little slice until he was completely in half. That one freaking Saw movie didn't even get that close!
Poe is a drunk weird-o who need to calm the eff down.
The Annabel Lee poem was not written in that context!
I kept telling my family about The Masque of the Red Death to prepare them for the story.
And, whoa, that guy wasn't the murderer!

That's pretty much all I have.
I still can't get over the PATP death. I'm not too-too squeamish when it comes to movie deaths, but that was really gorey and up close! They spared us no mercy! In a way, I applaud them for having the guts (LOL) to do such a thing.
It was nasty

So it's 12:05 AM
I've got school tomorrow... today.
And I don't want to go to journalism...

This is UnicornSlayer saying: GUTS... do you get it? Yes... no... just me? Okay...


1 comment:

  1. I personally hate the feeling when the teacher says, "Okay can anyone do the article on 'So and So'?"
    Now I generally feel guilty, raise my hand, and boom. I agreed to the terms and services agreement of life. I then get like twelve articles because I feel guilty and uncomfortably awkward.
