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Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Low Standards For Awesome-ness... Still Pretty Awesome, Though

Post #34: (This post has not been made or worded in any way that intended to offend. I was just poking fun! [you'll understand what i mean in the second part])

So, i decided to check my email and after going through 17-out-of-19 messages about Pinterest that i don't really care about (I don't care that whoever-whoever liked my pin, it's not like i found the pin myself and then pinned it up, i was just exploring the Geek/Humor section and stumbled upon it! It's technically not even mine!)

And then there was a message about YouTube and someone replied to one of my comments (my 19th was a reply too, but i'll get to that later, i don't want to put in my angry eyes right this second) So, yeah, sometimes i comment on videos if it made me laugh or there was a part i liked, you know, that usual crud. (it's the reason why made a YouTube channel, to comment and subscribe to people!)
Anyways, i didn't even remember the comment or the video in question, but i opened the email and it was a random person who commented a random time on the video (i don't even know what he wanted me to see because going to 8:15 had nothing to do with either my comment or the video itself, because nothing monumental was happening at that moment that was worth notice...*shrug*)
Because i didn't even remember the video i click on the link and i looked at it and i was like: "Oh, yeah, i remember this." and i scrolled down a little...  And I Was Second Top Comment.




(By now you are understanding the title of this post.)

Sorry, i can't tell you which video it was because my real name kind of, sort of, shows through in my username. But! It was a PewDiePie video!
(i knew good was to come by watching those!)

It wasn't even that good of a comment, a little funny maybe, but it was a time in the video and a funny comment on what was happening. It was ten words, maximum. (look at me being all modest  L= )

Parte de dos:
So that was my awesome moment of the day. I obviously don't get those daily, though, because if i did this blog would be exploding with epic stories.

Now, for my angry moment of the day
No, it was not in History class when our substitute teacher wouldn't stop telling his personal stories about immigration. Or when i was sitting there during his stories and studying for the 2 minute quick test he was supposed to be giving. Or when he gave us ten minutes to study after the stories, then preceded to tell another story, and then said, "Alright, you have ten minutes to study." OR when we got the test and i finished it in 10 seconds and everyone was like "Oh wow, she must have cheated, how did she do that so fast?"
It was a test with 10 questions, multiple choice. *eyes roll*

My real angry moment, in which i'm explaining to Anonymous right now as we speak and taking my real nice and easy time to do so, well it was the 19th message, also from YouTube.

PewDie is playing a game called Scribblenauts (it's hilarious the way he plays it, it probably wouldn't be as fun in real life, though)
The point of the game is that you have a magical notebook that spawns whatever you write in it and you're supposed to use it to help people and the magic of helping people will save your sister, who is turning to stone because you played a mean prank on some guy, and blah, blah, blah.
Now, this game has a knack for references.
PewDie has spawned Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat, Hipsters (tried spawning Slenderman)... and, YES, he has even spawned a Rideable  Flying, Giant, Stephano. And Mr. Chair too.
So, i had an Ah-Ha moment and commented something like this:
"PewDie! Try to spawn yourself! If they *(As in the creators)* know about Stephano, then they probably know about you too!"

(i hope that doesn't land in top comments [although i'm not that confident in my comment-making skills] or everyone will sort of kind of know my name)

How cool would it be for PewDie to be on a Giant, Rideable, Flying, PewDiePie?
Really cool.

So, you all understand what i meant by my comment right? Well some guy replied to me with something like this:
PewDie came up with Stephano, not the creators


Did my comment even sound like in anyway that i meant that the game created Stephano. No!
Don't you DARE facepalm to me when i'm well aware of what i'm talking about!
At that moment my inner ghetto black woman came out and i snapped my finger and rotated my head and was thinking: "Oh Heh, no!" (Heh, as in heck of course)

My reply was really nice though and was something like:
"Oh, i know that, sorry for making it sound like how you thought i meant by it. =)"

But in my head i was like:
"Don't you dare ever facepalm in my direction again, or i will let my inner ghetto black woman out all over you and you will regret it, child!" (meant to be said like a ghetto black woman)

It just made me mad.
I hope it wasn't someone who was trolling me because, if that's so, the troll won.
(well, YouTube doesn't know that because of my nice and considerate revision on my comment, but i guess that everyone knows my true feelings, now)

Alright this was supposed be a 5 second post but i just got so into it and that stupid child who thought he could facepalm in my direction, seriously, the comment was as plain and clear, seriously, if i ever...

This is UnicornSlayer saying: "Ah man, Shanaynay is coming back out, someone help me... like how that stupid little white boy is going to need help after i find him! I'll bring my brother out too so he can hold my earrings while i whoop his scrawny little..."

                                                 Unicorn Slayer