Go Ahead, Behold My Blog, I Allow You.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Enjoy This Story I Wrote For Creative Writing And Just Submitted To Creepypasta.com

Post #44:
Enjoy this while I sort my crap out.

The Dread

            You glance from the window, peek at the moon and at the night sky, and glimpse at the stars; the darkness always brought you a sense of interest. Your curious hands, attached to your curious body, with curious feet guiding you down a dark hallway, feel around your grandmother’s old desk for the magnifying glass that you knew was kept stowed away for reading the fine print on mail. You quietly bring it back to your room and peek out the window, back at the velvet sky which was sprayed with the twinkling diamonds.

            You angle the magnifying glass towards the moon, but the only thing enlarged was a smudge on window. Slightly disheartened, you look towards the ever-expanding forest that was always looking back at you; it held more mysteries than you could imagine, especially, tonight. Using your magnifying glass, you notice something different with the trees. Is it the way they bend? Could they be taller? Maybe an animal ran past? You do not know, and decide to investigate. Things go through your head: “What did I see? Is it worth going out this late? What if I’m caught? I could get in trouble!” But most questions are squelched by your sense of adventure.

            Tiptoeing down the stairs, you grab your coat and a flashlight, and pull on a pair of rain boots that were sitting by the door. You carefully open the door as quietly as possible and head out to the area that your window overlooks. Nothing seems out of the ordinary; tall pines, dark leaves, and shadows where long branches blot out the nighttime sun. You stand silently in the moon soaked grass. Glumly, you peer through the magnifying glass at nothing in particular, and are shocked at what you see. You run into the forest.

            Questions buzz through your head, but soon enough, the heaving of your breathing blots out any other noises around you. You look left and right, leave crunch under your boots, bushes are smacked away, and occasionally you trip over a stray branch. You just knew you had to keep going. It could get away. It was so much faster than you. Did it go left or right at this tree? You had no time to question yourself. You knew you just had to follow your gut. You knew you had to follow the trail. You knew that you had run faster. You knew that-

You suddenly stop. Looking through your magnifying, you turn and find it: the thing you were chasing, the reason of your desperation.

You take a moment to calm yourself and claim your prize. It was sitting smugly on a tree stump, with moonlight filtering down from the canopy above to highlight it. You knew that it was worth it. You looked through the magnifying glass at the surface, but at a far distance. Yes, this was it. You found it.

Keeping it in clutched in your hand, you turn behind you, back the way you came. Or, was that the way you came? Was it more towards your left? Do you remember circling the tree stump? The dry ground held no footprints, the bushes held no hints. The trees’ faces sneered at you, and laughed at your misfortune. The magnifying glass was no help, and augmented the darkness.

The wind picked up, and the once-parted canopy above you was shaken closed, muddling your moonlight. The icy hands of the wind held pins which pricked at your skin. You glance around your new area, every bit of adrenaline burned off, and flick on the flashlight while zipping your coat up and crossing your arms.

You are suddenly aware to everything around you: the cricket cacophony, the occasional frog interlude, and your steps on the dead swirling leaves. Racking your brain, you try to remember: “Was I running on mud or dirt? How many branches did I fall over? I think there was an oak tree with winding roots…”

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the whisper of trembling leaves. It wasn’t the wind, and you know it.

You stop. Possibilities rush through your head, starting with wild animals. You want to slowly walk forwards, but you can’t move your legs. Your hands are shaking like you’re going through withdrawal. You hear more whispers. Your head throbs, your throat knits itself closed, and you are too paralyzed to tear up.

These whispers weren’t from leaves.

            Dread’s hands crept up your legs, slowly and methodically. They tightened until snug and then wrapped around your stomach, pinning your arms to your side. Breathing became hard, and you could only let out a whimper as they squeezed around your throat. Then you realize something.

These are real hands.

            You finally let out a scream, and feel the hands release you. Did you hear a growl? No, that wasn’t a growl… Fear is making you ridiculous. You run with no real path in mind. You just want to get away. The growl you heard keeps reverberating in your mind. You can still feel those hands snaking up your body. You lament your curiosity violently: “This was so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why didn’t I just stay home?! Why couldn’t I just lay in bed like I should have?! Why did I-”

            You can see a shape to your left following you, running right behind. You can hear a string of even whispers echoing through your head. Your temple throbbed and you gagged on the air around you. You had to get away. You had to get home. You had to run faster than this thing that was telling you horrible, horrible things. Images of blood appeared in your head… screaming… fire. You are so sure that home is just a little farther away, that once you were inside, you were safe. You knew that-

You trip and fall facedown into the dirt.
You wait to feel pain.

            Things are silent. Things are still. Your throbbing legs scream, but your breath eventually comes more evenly. You look up and scramble to lean against a tree. Did you imagine everything? You are not sure what happened. Then you remember your prize. You reach for your waistband, hoping that it wasn’t cracked in the fall. You examine it. The glass was its eerie and beautiful purple shade. The handle still had its odd inscription Hic nunc domi tuae.

You have never seen a more beautiful magnifying glass.

You peer through it, and are shocked at what you see. The ground is highlighted in purple. To your right, it leads on in its vibrant color, to the left it is nothing but a dark blue. You wonder if it is showing you the way home, but after hearing a growl, you decide to trust anything that gives you hope.

            You start running again, much to the chagrin of your calves, but their complaints are drowned out by the growling and whispers once more. They sounded louder… closer… angrier. You can feel it running at your heels, trying to claw your back. You do your best to follow the trail and watch your step at the same time. Your breathing is so heavy that your lungs are angry and hungry for air. Leaves get crushed, bushes are whacked, and you can hear the wind picking up. Your heart is beating fast, your stomach is lurching, and you hope that you can follow the trail fast enough to-

You see moonlight and an opening at the end of the trail.

            New energy surges and joy dares to enter your soul! You were so close! A couple more gulps of air, a few more pumps of your legs! The trail seemed to brighten and brighten until you crashed through some branches and finally found yourself back in the safety of your-

You find the tree stump.

            The magnifying glass shows it glowing brightly white with no other paths around to follow. You are in disbelief. “The stump?! Why the stump?! Why not home?!” The Dread finds its way back into your heart.

            The growls turn into laughter. A high pitch noise brings you to your knees and your treacherous prize breaks. The noise wails on as massively tall and dark figures step out of the trees. The moonlight that seemed to be your beacon is gone. They got closer. They whispered to you louder and louder as you lay paralyzed on the ground. You feel their arms wrap around you, your eyes see nothing but black. You can’t breathe. You can barely feel.

You are at the mercy of The Dread.


Well, then...

Post #43:

Good Lord, I am a slacker.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Today's Lesson...

Post #42:

So, today I've learned something.

If you don't want to anger a bunch of Brazilians, don't compare the languages of Spanish and Portuguese.

They may seem similar to you, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to have an opinion on the internet.

Those angry Brazilians will attack you with sarcasm and cynical words.

So, quick re-cap here:

Spanish and Portuguese.
Not alike, even if you've taken two years of Spanish and you see similarities in the language.
Not alike at all.
Don't think they are.
Those Brazilians, man.
Sarcasm, cynical words.



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alright! Let's do this!

Post #41:
I wrote this on Tuesday. Today is Sunday. I like to slack hardcore.

So, I know that I've been gone for awhile, but before I get to the things I said I was going to talk about in the last post, let me reminiscent about today.

So, today was really a beautiful day. Sunshine, no need for a hoodie in class, and I even got to chat things up with the guy I like.
I know this sun is probably being deceitful and eventually the winter jackets are going to have to be brought out of what we hoped would be their hibernation. I think it's supposed to go back the fifties on Friday, and although that isn't too bad, I was really hoping for a little bit more warmth.
I may wear some kind of shorter pants tommorow, whether that means actual shorts or capris, I don't know... I actually think they're all in storage somewhere in my room, so i'll have to go on a hunt for them later.
To tell the truth, I'm writing this on my iPod, on my bus ride home. I've realized that everything is all fun and spring-y until everyone decides opens their windows and your hair keeps smacking you in the face.
Also, I guess some of these kids bag vet heard of that rule in which "before you get off the bus, you close your window"
A lot of them of them are still open and there aren't many people left.
And know we're picking up speed and my hair is going nuts
I think I need to put it in a pony tail
Alright, that's way better. I'll take it out before I get off.
Which will be happening soon actually.
Things are just so nice. We're going slower and there's just a breeze now. It's nice. I need to enjoy his while I can. Maybe i'll play with my dogs for once.

Time warp.
Welcome to Sunday. Where it's 10:31 pm and I have to go to school tomorrow... which means gym class... and exercise... ew.

I didn't actually play with the dogs when I came home. I was more like: "Do, do, do... let's change into my jammies, and then let's go and- LOOK YOUTUBE!" O-O
I don't like exercise.
I think I had some spring fever and deliriums.

Now that i'm on the topic of spring, I can rant on about how it's a jerk!

What are you doing, weather?! Why would you let me wear shorts and no jacket on a random day in the middle on the week, and then have me curled in a frozen ball on the weekend!
Seriously, I curled up in the fetal position under two comforters today.
I. Can. Not. Comprehend. The. Cold.
The freaking Cold. I'm the mouse to it's cat. It's playing with me. It didn't like how happy I was and decided to go in for another swipe!
Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer-ish again, but let's just cross that bridge when we get there.

So, before I talk about events in the way past, let's talk about today!

It's been awhile, so I don't know if I mentioned that my English class was reading Hamlet. If I didn't, we were reading Hamlet.
Spoiler Alert! They all die.
The big book test is tomorrow.
I hate tests.
Now, even though my teacher enjoys the cool refreshing beverage of her students' tears, she let's us do projects instead of the big tests, if we want.
I chose the project.

My assignment? (that I was really the only one who decided to do, because other people thought it would be too hard.)
Make an amusement park based off the play Hamlet.
I must have 10 main attractions, their names all relevant to the play.
I must have 6 amenities, their names all relevant to the play.
Lastly, I must make a brochure containing the cost of admission, location, name of the park (which cannot contain the word Hamlet) and the names of the attractions and amenities, all with a relevant picture.
But I'm Not Stopping There!
I must also design, on a poster board, the park. Showing the rides with their relevant pictures.
All aspects of the project must be neat, colorful, and typed.

It honestly sounds a lot harder than it was. The only hard thing was thinking of the rides' and amenities' names. Sometimes I would think of a cool name, and then not know what kind of ride it could be.
Then, on the brochure, fitting all the pictures on the one page was becoming quite the task, and I had to change the margins all the time. I ended up with having:
Top- .5
Bottom- .5
Left- .6
Right- .6
And then I was freaking out because I thought it would be "Out of the printable regions," but thankfully, I was good.

So, are you wondering what I came up with? Or are you just waiting for me to stop talking about a stupid English project and to just get on with my review of The Raven that you've waited a month for?
Well. Hold your horses.
I'm in control here.
Calm yourself down.
Just look at how creative I am:

Tragedy Falls
7,200 Shillings to enter ($30)

Located in Stratford-Upon-Avon

¾   Amenities

1.     Ophelia’s Bouquets

2.     Plastic Swords Kiosk

3.     The Silver Goblet (restaurant)

4.     The Other Side Museum

5.     The Fatal Flaw Amphitheater

6.     The Castle Of Glass (hotel)

¾   Main Attractions

1.     The Roller-Ghoster

2.     Haunted Battlements

3.     Hushing The Spy (Bumper Cars)

4.     The Falling Of The Innocent (Free-Fall)

5.     Death’s Grip (Coaster)

6.     Daze Of The Crazed (Spinny Ride)

7.     Tilting Minds (Inverting Room)

8.     Ebony Eared (Tilt-A-Whirl)

9.     Rapid Madness (Water Rapids)

10.    Quiet Before The Crazed (Ferris Wheel)
I'm freaking awesome.
I'm also a freaking slacker.
We were given this project in March, and I just decided that I maybe should start it, on Friday.
It wasn't too hard though.
Friday- I brainstormed names.
Saturday- brochure
Sunday- Poster
I hate tests.
I did kind of bad on my test for the last act because I missed the class discussion, so it was up to my interpretation.
I didn't really interpret it right.

I think a lot of people didn't want to do this project because Hamlet wasn't too hard to understand.
Revenge, Thoughts, Incest, Suicide, Death.
That is pretty much the summed up version for you.

Also, we've been slammed with so many freaking English projects.
We have five projects to do.
Let me enlighten you.
We had to do a character collage.
Due on the 8th
The theme park.
Due- 15th
A book report and rough draft (I'm doing Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz. I honestly detest the book. Maybe I'll diversify why in a later post)
Due- 19th
Oral book report
Due- 22nd
And now we have a research paper on the author of our book for our report. (Melissa De La Cruz)
I'm not sure when this is exactly due. Probably some time around the written report.
I also had a Spanish project that was due on the 8th. (Now that I remember, we could have made Mexican food and brought it in for bonus tomorrow. I don't need Spanish bonus. I'm not trying to brag, but I have received a 100% last quarter. And cooking Dulce de Leche Flan is too much work for me.
If you want to see my amazing project, it was ------------
Wait, my school's name is in the URL.
That's a little too personal.
Never mind, don't look it up.
Ignore that.

I'm happy I get to eat food tomorrow in 3rd period.

It'll help relieve the freaking stress of journalism.
I swear to God, that class took a 180 and is so freaking serious all of the sudden!
Journalism is a class that goes on all year, in which you work on the school's newspaper, which is really more or less a little magazine. It talks about events and the students and yah-dah yah-dah.
Usually, the actual class is a study hall, because there isn't much you can do during 2nd period.
But, for the past week....
I'm almost afraid to go there!
    Journalism is a little controversial for me, because even though I like writing and knowing that someone may be reading what I wrote (and I like that I like that I'm actually contributing to something), I hate talking to people, and being the center of attention, or being put on the spot.
     I had to write about two things this month. The Bake-Off and (which I didn't even know I was signed up for until a week ago) this Heritage Science competition.
For the Bake-Off, I had to talk to the Home Ec. teacher, who really isn't all that scary, but I hate just being awkward and asking questions and hoping I asked enough, and taking notes on what they said, and hoping that I got the right information.
Then, also, I wrote an awesome article and stuff, but then my teacher was like "Do you have a picture"
Now, the event was held at a different school, so I said no and that I put a clipart picture of a cake.
Apparently that isn't good enough. Now, I need to get a picture of the team, even though all the articles were due on Friday.
     Now, for the stupid freaking Heritage Science Comp.
I didn't even know that I had to do it until a week ago!
I had to talk to my old biology teacher, which again, isn't too bad, but it's just so freaking awkward!
I didn't even know which science competition it was.
I was like: "Can I ask you about the science competition"
and he was like: "Which one?"
I didn't know that there was more than one!
Then he mentioned the two, and the Heritage Science Comp. sounded like the one that would be in the paper.
Ready for the worst part?
The freaking results didn't even come back yet!
I had half a page to fill, with nothing more than the names of those who were on the team and the names of the events that took place.
That's it.
It only fills about 1/4 of what I need it too.
And, oh yeah, I need a team picture for that, too. Even though everything was due on Friday!
    I feel so fired up now!
Want to know the worst part of journalism?
When my teacher is looking at the newspaper on the computer, she can obviously see who has or has not put in their articles.
The room is usually super quiet, because it's both too early in the day to speak, and we don't have a lot of people on staff/ in class.
So she's going through the paper, like: "Okay, who did the article on that band trip?" (which I just made up) and then someone would be like: "Me" and she would be like: "Why isn't it in yet?"
And then
It's so awkward!
Most of the people can just give a quick answer and then go on with whatever they're doing.
I feel freaking hands choking me.
"[UnicornSlayer,] where's your article on the Bake-Off?"
Now, I'm a slacker, so even though it was due on Friday, and it was Wednesday when she asked this, I didn't even start it.
"Oh, I left my flash drive at home"
*kind of mad-disappointed look*
"What about the science competition article?"
"I need to talk to [insert name here]"
*small agitated sigh* "Can you do that during activity period today?" (we had an activity period that day, and my Spanish club meeting was only going on for half of the period)

That was pretty much it. Now this is in a dead-silent room.
It's horrible.
I hate it.
It makes me want to cry sometimes.
I feel frustrated right now.
I'm kind of questioning why I scheduled this for next year, too.
And, more of what sucks, and that there are features, and then articles.
Features are little fun things in there, like Mystery Photos (which I actually did this time around) Cheers and Jeers, Meet A Seventh Grader, Which Would You Choose, Intellect Walking (a questioning thing) and so on.
These aren't really regarded as serious. So when my teacher saw that I had only one article and a feature, she decided to give me the Science comp. as well. (and I forgot about it)
Now, for the features, you usually don't have to talk to people, and if you do, you can talk to your friends.
I like these.
They're small, easy, have no people-talking-to, and don't really require serious writing with accurate information and you don't really have to worry about writing enough to fill a page.
You can't choose to do too many of these.
There's like an unspoken rule that you can maybe do one or two, but you still need a serious article as well.
You will be looked down upon as a slacker with no initiative!
And then, you'll probably be saddled with another article that no one wanted in the first place, anyways.
    I never really finishing saying why things are so serious.
Because our next issue is May, it will be the last, and so, it will be the Senior Issue.
What is this, you ask?
I'm not 1000% percent sure here, but it's a whole lot of copying down information about the senior class. We give them packets to fill out and then we have to copy the info down. It apparently takes a lot of time to do.
Honestly, when I was a little seventh/eight grader, and my friend would buy a paper, I would read it too, and we would be like "LOL, Cheers and Jeers. LOL, Which Would You Choose. These articles are stupid, who cares about them!"
(seriously, no one really cares about the articles)
Then, the only thing that would be out would be the Senior Issue and I would be like, "Ew, who cares about the seniors, I just want Cheers and Jeers. This is trash!"
It's not even that fun!
What's worse, we only have two computers in the room, and you can only have an open copy of the paper up on one, because it wouldn't save right if you had it open on both.
It's so stressful!!

I think I've ranted enough now.
It's almost midnight and, even though I napped today while curled in a freezing ball, i'm a little tired, and... school.

Let me tell you about the amazing movie of The Raven.

Oh wait, I can't, because I never watched it.

You see, we watch Blu-ray movies on our PS3, and when we were watching The Raven, the power went out. That freaked the complete eff out of the PS3 and it had to cool down or something.
Well, by the time it was ready, Being Human came on (which i'm completely devastated is over for the time being) and I couldn't finish watching it.
I got as far as the Masque of Red Death.
I felt all smart and stuff when I had to explain it to my mother.
The last thing I remember was that they foumd the note about the girlfriend being captured and that Poe was the only one who could save her by using his smarts about his stories.
Then I left.
Let me review as far I can.

That beginning murder with the spring-window was cool, I need to read that story.
The Pit and Pendulum murder was extremely gruesome! It got a nice and close look as the axe swung down through that guy's stomach, and each little slice until he was completely in half. That one freaking Saw movie didn't even get that close!
Poe is a drunk weird-o who need to calm the eff down.
The Annabel Lee poem was not written in that context!
I kept telling my family about The Masque of the Red Death to prepare them for the story.
And, whoa, that guy wasn't the murderer!

That's pretty much all I have.
I still can't get over the PATP death. I'm not too-too squeamish when it comes to movie deaths, but that was really gorey and up close! They spared us no mercy! In a way, I applaud them for having the guts (LOL) to do such a thing.
It was nasty

So it's 12:05 AM
I've got school tomorrow... today.
And I don't want to go to journalism...

This is UnicornSlayer saying: GUTS... do you get it? Yes... no... just me? Okay...


Sunday, March 10, 2013

All Hail, The Magic Cold! *Noise With Tongue* Plus, Shopping (Ew), Abe Lincoln (Woo!), And Sleep. (Sounds Pretty Good Right Now...)

Post #39:

So, as you can read, The Cold had been kind to me.
Wednesday was canceled.
Thank freaking Goodness.

Even better, on Friday we had an in-service day or an Act 80 Day (wherever that name comes from...) So after going for school for one day, we got to stay home again!
That was pretty fun.

What else can I tell you about from over this brief period?

I heard that no-name guy speak. I can't remember his voice specifically but I do know that I heard it. It also wasn't as deep as I was expecting, but I guess it still fits him.
(Now, is there anything else for me to be creepy about...?)

On Monday, The Cold is going to give me a small break and it's going to be around fifty or so degrees... maybe sixty.
Yay, warmth!

Today (or I guess yesterday considering it's 4 AM now) I went to get movies (i'll diversify on that in a little bit) but beforehand, my mom dragged me to the mall, and, for some reason that i'm sure my mother hates, I hate to shop.
I know, it's not a very 15 year old girl thing for me to feel, but I hate it, hate it, hate it.
I'm an indecisive person, I don't know why, and it makes shopping difficult. Plus, everything is all spread out and i'm also the kind of person who wants to make sure that they're getting what they want the first time, which means I have to make sure that, in my mind, nothing in any other store could be better than what I picked out. Of course, that's not always the case, and I know that, which might be why i'm so difficult when taken shopping.
All day today (or yesterday) I kept reminding my mother that I was better off the way I am now instead of the other way around.
When I would watch something such as My Strange Addiction, I can somehow put myself in the person's shoes and slightly understand where they're coming from, (writers' brain, probably) but when there's a shopaholic, I have no idea what the heck their problem is. There was an episode with some lady who has 500 shoes and calls them her babies and buys more every day and is severely in debt... I couldn't stand to watch that episode because I couldn't connect at all! I just kept calling her stupid, in my mind. I just can't.... (this also happens with the sexual-type addictions for obvious reasons)
Anyways, what I was trying to build up to say was, I wasn't thrilled to go shopping all because I wanted some movies. My mother was shopping mostly for herself, but she reminded me that I need jeans (I wear the same pair of blue jeans pretty much every day, it's not that I don't own any other pants, I just don't like the other ones. These pants are the perfect length, skinny, and... I can wear tennis shoes with them without wearing flood pants...)
Anyhow, my mother was on the look-out for jeans. I'm picky with jeans. I hate boot-cut. They just don't feel right to me. I like skinny because it feels like they're giving my legs a hug, and they also don't oddly flare out or bend when I sit. I also hate it when the stitching is another color entirely from the jean itself; it just brings to much attention to nothing but distractions. Lastly, even though it doesn't really matter, I also hate butt-pocket adornments; I don't need jeweled butterflies going down a gem rainbow and hanging out by a bunch of tan-stitched swirls. They need to pipe down with all the fancy crap they're trying to pull on me. I don't care. I would also feel like I have to match my shirt color to that of the design on the butt, or I can't wear the pants. That's just one of my weird quirks (like how I try to figure out the stories of strangers by staring at them.)
I'm currently in this faze where i'm trying to be a totally awesome bad-a hipster girl. I use "hipster" sarcastically here. (although I use instagram, I don't wear nerd glasses and suspenders with my fedora while I take my typewriter to the park with me.) Although the hipster thing isn't true, i'm still trying to be totally awesome and bad-a, but I doubt that's working to well for me. (Oh well, at least I have my sparkling personality.) This whole bad-a thing is probably just because i'm a teenager rebelling against the system and trying to figure out who they are, or some crap like that. Eh, it's fun, if anything.
Now, because of this bad-a faze here, I'm trying to limit my wearing of pink or pastels (which is hard because i'm sometimes faced with an emptying closet and nothing left to wear but those colors.) I'm also trying to wear some more outrageous things, such as colored pants. The colors/patterns I own so far: Grape (dark purple) a less subtle and lighter blue color, bleached/stone-washed, and plaid with blue and black and tan (it looks better in real life.) (I probably missed something and am going to remember while I try to sleep tonight and have to edit this ASAP tomorrow.) It's a little bit hard to buy colored jeans right now because all the stores are really frilly and girly and the jeans are highlighter-pink, coral, flower patterned, polka-dotted, or pastel colored... I found a blue sapphire color but it was sparkly and weird. I tried to buy a red pair of jeans but because I'm a small person, they were too long. What did I buy today, jean-wise? Black and... blue or green or dark teal-y colored? I'm not sure how to describe the second color, (we'll go with dark teal-y for now) but they're sort of tie-dyed in a way with those colors. It's probably cooler than what you're imagining, I promise you, they're up to my current standard of bad-a.
So those are the pants part of this shopping trip. It was also kind of hard because my mother would point to a coral pair and say they were cute and I had to turn her down many times. It was difficult.
Then, after the pants and buying Girl Scout cookies, we were walking, and I glanced over at the shoe store (I think it was Payless) and after a moment of thought I said: "Can I have a pair of Converse?"
My mother rarely spends time with me, much less spends money on me, or hears me request shoe shopping, so right away she was like: "Sure, honey!"
I now have an awesome pair of Rebellion-INC., Kick-Butt, Bad-A Enough For Me, Street Shoes... or Chuck Taylors. Whichever works for you.
They are black-high tops.
They are pretty freaking sweet.
They are mine.
I can't wait to wear them on Monday.
They are also the same kind as my sister's... the same size too! I'm a really small person, so me fitting into a size 6 is pretty amazing. Granted, that was the smallest size and I wasn't missing out on my whim for a pair of Chucks.
I replaced the laces with these black and white checked laces which are 42 inches instead of 54. (my feet are narrow, so a-freaking-lot of lace was left after tying them.) Plus, now my sister and I's are able to be told apart, even though I'm going to be keeping them in my room, in their box, away from the dogs' chomping, drooling jaws.
I went a little crazy so I took some nice fashion shots of them and put them on instagram. Although this is going to take the extra effort, I don't want to feel like a self-advertiser, so i'll put the pictures here, too. (you'd better appreciate this extra effort, here!)
Mm, pretty nice, yes. I like this shot. It was one of the first, so i'm surprised it came out so well (if I do say so myself) They're on my hair towel that I had lying on the floor. I needed a backdrop and I was struck with the genius of closing the top end of the towel in my drawer and cascading the rest down for a background that wouldn't distract. Plus, it's tan, so it went with the box. I tried to be as photo-awesome and professional as possible (although the obvious wrinkles in towel show i'm not incredibly legit, but we'll just look past that for now.) Did I do a good job with the labels and laces?

This is my second go. An arrangement for the second picture took me forever to think of. I don't really like this one as much, but I guess it could be worse. I wanted them to be tied together and hanging out of the box in some way, but in a natural kind of way. I think this sort of hit the mark. Every way I positioned them just looked wrong, though. I had a lot of difficulty figuring it out. I somehow managed at least this picture. It had the labels on the shoes and the word on the box, so I went with it.
These are my only picture that came out right. I tried to manage these freaking JC-Penny, one-man-band photoshoot, pictures that just didn't come out right. I would either need an actual model, or someone who knows how to work lighting and surroundings.

That was my shopping excursion. I'm going to feel pretty pumped in my Chucks and black and teal-y jeans on Monday... I can also wear my 1/2 sleeved black jacket...! I'm going to have a bad-a Monday... I hope it doesn't suck.

Now, for the movie I watched tonight... or last night or whatever:
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Duh, duh, duuuuuh!
I read the book, so I was pretty pumped to watch it.
Of course, the movie was different from the book.
Of course, the book was better than the movie.
Of course, things were cut out.
Of course, things were kind of made-up.
Of course, things were re-told.
Of course, I felt slight a bit of sadness over the alleviations.
Plus, everyone was a freaking ninja with parkour moves. Some of the battle scenes were a little unrealistic (even though, yes, we are talking about a vampire movie, but some parts were a little ridiculous)

Things they cut out:
-The beginning which is like an autobiography of the author being approached by Henry
-Pretty much his whole freaking childhood.
-When he was on the boat which let to meeting Henry.(That crazy vampire attack, remember?)
-Him meeting Edgar Allan Poe (I am still really mad over that)
-Although he meets Joshua Speed, he never meets his other friend. I forget his name, but he was the big tough guy in the one town. He is replaced with a "friend from Abe's childhood" who is a guy who keeps being jostled around because everyone thinks he's a slave but he was born free and all this other stuff. He was a good guy and all, though, just not the right guy.
-The solo mission between Speed and Abe's other friend.
-Pretty much all of Abe's revealations over, "Look at what this vampire has done!" "Look, that guy's a vampire, they're everywhere!" "I'm not as safe as I thought!" "Vampires are so horrible!"
-Most of the missions that Henry sends Abe on.
-That last mission with Speed and the other guy. In the movie, it was on train, but in the book they had this showdown at this house. (the same thing pretty much happens, though, Henry to the rescue and all)
-John Wilkes Booth (it never mentions this demented actor vampire.) It ends after this scene with Mary Todd being like, "Lincoln, we're going to be late to the theater!" and then Henry has Lincoln's journal and walks off and then things go to the present time.
-Lincoln's sons, other than Willie.
-A whole lot of other stuff, but I guess it was thick book and short movie.

Things they (I think) made-up/changed:
-The reason why Lincoln's mother is killed
-How Lincoln's mother is killed. (instead of her ingesting vampire's blood and being poisoned by what they think is a milk sickness, she just gets her wrist noshed on, which eventually kills her, and later Willie dies the same way)
-It sort of changes Henry's house/cottage place where he and Lincoln first meet. It wasn't as secluded as I imagined... (not to mention that brief extreme sexual-ness that I could've gone without. Bathtub scene, I feel you and your 2 seconds were unnecessary!)
-Lincoln's other friend
-Did the book specify on how silver kills the undead?
-Was there ever a horse stampede battle?
-Was there ever a train battle?
-Was Adam and the other group of high-up vampires in the book?
-Why didn't he meet Edgar Allan Poe?!

Now keep in mind that it has been a little bit of time between when I read this book and today (or yesterday) Maybe things happened that I didn't remember, but I'm kind-of, pretty sure, I was as accurate as I could possibly be. LOGIC!

Well, this post was long and either took me an hour or so to write, or Daylight Savings Time is really screwing me up.
It probably took an hour, this feels like it took forever to write... and its 5:37 AM.
I'm slow.
I'm tired.
Head-pressure rising
Yawns... no longer suppressed...
Anger over Abe not meeting Edgar still boiling... but... sleep... you seem so welcoming... with your open arms and soft pillows... whispers of comfort and... dreams...

I think it's time I went to sleep!
Tomorrow I'm going to watch The Raven (Woo! Edgar Allan Poe!) and probably Premium Rush, so I can review those for you if I don't procrastinate.

So... (*legit yawn in real life*) this is UnicornSlayer saying, Good Night... Good Morning, Don't Do Drugs, Stay in School, and why couldn't Abe have met up with Edgar! I mean, it could have added a little something more special! Just get the guy from The Raven and be like, "Hey, want to be Edgar Allan Poe again, you get to meet Abe Lincoln?" and he would have agreed and then the movie would have a little more backstory, considering how quickly you jumped through the 3 parts of the book (Childhood, Vampire Slayer, President) Maybe just a little bit more of a story could have helped. Or were you just being cheap? Come on...! Edgar Allan Poe!

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's Been Awhile... (imagine i sung that)

Post#38: Before I get to how my life's been lately, I want to go over the things in my head.

I've realized I have this annoying itch to know everyone's story. It's probably just my Writers Brain, but I just want everyone to hand to me a memoir of their life, thoughts, and some hidden-camera type of video depicting their lives and a normal day to me.
Maybe this is also stemming from my playing of Legend Of Zelda, a game that teaches you (other than how to fight rage-quit-inducing monsters, how to solve puzzles that you'll never need to solve in real life, and that Water Temples SUCK...) that everyone has a story to tell.
Even though in real life, people are much more hesitate to describe how things are going with them, especially to a complete stranger.
Example time: there's a guy who sits...er.... Two seats in front of me on the bus. (I sit on the drivers side/left) I think he's one year younger (possibly two, and he's just tall and/or failed) than me because I haven't seen him all my life like I have those a year older. Anyways, he sits alone but turns to the right to talk to his buddies. I've noticed a small scar behind his right ear. As soon as I noticed this my brain just kicked into the highest gear it could in 7AM. How does one get a little straight line of a scar behind their ear?
Now I stare at it. (Im that weird girl on the bus who doesn't sit with anyone and just keeps quiet, listening to their music, so no one questions why i stare ahead of me, deep in thought) I can't help myself, I feel as though if I look long enough, words will float out with the answer. Of course, they don't. This fact frustrates me.
Another mystery that has gone on longer than that one: the guy in my study hall.
He's the guy that I always see in the hallway, but have no idea what his name is, I don't even know what his voice sounds like.
Now, if you hate stereotypes, look away, I'm going to be cringing as i write this word because I do not want to use it, and it will most likely give you the wrong impression, but I really don't know how else to describe him... Soo, (I hate myself... Hate myself..) goth.
Now wipe away the picture that popped into your head about someone all dressed in black with black lipstick and eyeliner.
That's not it.
Although his hair has been dyed black ( which I know considering that his roots are brown [guess its time for another dye-job] and because it has no life to it. [Non-dyed hair has highlights and shine. His is one-toned.]) it does not make him how I described him. He wears hoodies, jeans, I think converse, and no makeup. He's also really tall and slouches.
Anyways, enough about his posture. I do not know his name, his voice, I think he's in 11-12th grade, I know that he has friends (just not in that study hall) and I obviously know that he's quiet (at least around those he doesn't know/like)
I feel creepy describing someone i don't even know, but I guess that's the point. I'm relaying the places my brain goes when I wonder.
When the new semester started and I saw him in my study hall I thought "hmm, maybe now ill learn the name of the guy i always see but know hardly anything about. "
Guess what.
Oh well.

Guess he's. it important if I haven't learned anything about him yet. (Even though I'm getting a little concerned considering I was relaying some new scene from a story I want to start writing in my head, and I imagined him as the main character. Nothing else though, no other scenes other than the one I recently thought of. He doesn't seem to fit, considering its a first person POV. I imagine the scenes, kind of over-the-shoulder of the character and considering my brain has some limits and also doesn't know what it's like to be tall, I just can't fit it. [thats okay though])So, now that I've been both weird and creepy, let's get on to how things have been externally.

The Cold had been oddly corporative (I just realized that I can't pronounce this word) and last Friday and I think it was Tuesday, we had early dismissals due to freezing rain.
We are allegedly having a snowstorm/winter weather advisory for Wednesday as well, so, let's see how that plays out.

I've been feeling bad for not posting because Anonymous says she checks my blog daily and never finds anything, which saddens her. So, here you go!
I realized my first wants when I started this blog have been pushed aside. I am clearly not publishing every day. Not even every week. Barely twice a month. Also, the things at the bottom of the blog (and the poll) are a wee bit outdated. (By the time you're reading this, I probably will have them fixed. And if you haven't noticed, I put the poll higher on the side of the blog for easier access.)

What else to talk about...

Well, I'm going to stick to this larger font size, because it is easier for me to see, and, even though my computer is zoomed out to 75%, maybe it's easier for you guys out there to read, too.

In English, we started Hamlet, which I am not thrilled about. It will probably the same kind of fiasco as Wuthering Heights, because I am way too lazy to do all the work. Our teacher surprisingly has this recording of the play that follows our book, which we listen to in class, so it's not too bad so far. Lewis found this acting out of it on YouTube with David Tennant, so she's pretty set.


I went to Lewis's house on Saturday where we watched YouTube videos and played games on Steam.
That was a lot of fun girl-time.
Anonymous and Lewis also chugged a half-gallon of milk. Well... Lewis only made it half way through, but An. went all out and drank it all. We are all surprised it didn't come back up later.
We also ate tacos and downed Hot Sauce packets. The hot sauce was my idea, (and a stupid one, at that.) but I couldn't help suggesting it because we had three packets that were just saying: Do It! Do It! DO IT!
So we did.
I drank two glasses of tea and still felt the burn.
A little later, after my tongue was better, my lips still burned.
Spice and I don't mix well.
We were planning on having three more people added onto the party, but because of Church and busy schedules, they couldn't come.
But I guess it was all right in the end.
We are a weird group of friends...

What else is there?

If Lady Gaga didn't cancel her concert, I would have went there instead of Lewis's house.
Even though we had fun, I still am saddened.
I've never been to a concert and seems that I never will. Or at least, the universe doesn't want me to.
But screw the universe! (which I say now, but when I have a good day [which is rare] I am singing my praises to the universe...)

I understand (more or less) what we are doing in chemistry with bonds and oxidation numbers, until we have to memorize all the numbers...

I suppose I'll just tell you about all my classes... why not?

English: Hamlet
Journalism: just finished with my article
Spanish: Just took a written and oral test today/ starting a new food chapter
History: Chapter test tomorrow.
Study Hall: have I told you about our new seating arrangements? The teacher (more or less a supervisor) made everyone who was previously in the class, last semester (like me) sit in their old assigned seat. What's worse? Everyone who was new this semester got to pick their own seats (you know, as long as they were two seats apart) This made me so freaking mad because my current and old seat is in the front of the room, in the middle of the horseshoe. Everyone else just put themselves in seats behind their friends, so they were basically beside them. It's not that I'm mad because I'm not beside my friends (because I don't have friends in that class anymore) I'm mad because they got to choose their own seats! I would pick a seat in the back if I could, maybe in the middle, away from others. It makes me so mad.

*not drawn to scale, we are closer than drawn- Ex: the space between me and the UD to my left is about three chairs*

Lunch: I turned in my money today; I was really in debt.
Algebra: 19/25 on my test. We made corrections to them today for some extra points.
Gym: We played something called Tchouk Ball. It had to do with hitting a ball of a trampoline. If you Google it, it'll make more sense. It involved running, but way less than in basketball.
Chemistry: Oxidation numbers and ionic bonds.

That was my day... tomorrow I have Driver's Ed instead of Gym, in which we will probably go over the worksheets we got on Thursday. (My 8th period schedule goes: Gym, DE, Chem Lab, DE, Gym) It's really a blow-off class, but I'm probably one of the few people who try.

I just started wondering what I should call those who follow me. Would you be part of the Slayer Society? (I'm sure Heather Brewer wouldn't mind if I took that...)
I'm not sure, you could all be cornies. (let's hope that one doesn't stick, though)
Heh, I don't know. It's all up to whatever you guys like, I guess.

Alright, it's time for me to fix the poll and weekly pictures/videos.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that I got Blackadder back... or should I say: Blackadder
I'm not sure if it is actually the same as it was last time, but, as I always say, Close Enough Is Good Enough.

Alright, i'm off to fix the things that should have been changed long ago. Until next time, my cornies! (oh gosh, it really doesn't sound good.)
